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    The best thing about Conservatism is that even when you are wrong...you are Right.
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    SW related material, Kendo, etc.
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    Professional Student
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    Mass Effect
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    Google Chrome
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic
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  1. Well, there is inner and outer circle in some dojos. I'd say I am outer for most. Some are glad. A student or two has come with me to fencing meets.


    The club is more than happy to have me, though. If only they would hold another meeting. Done since late 2007 off and on. A little sloppy now.


    I fenced w/ rapier...not the light ones for olympics (foil), the heavier or medium ones (hard to wrist-breaking). I did some saber dueling as well. Off and on since late 2004/early 2005.


    My MA career...varies. I've actually been in more fights in my youth. Occsionally spar my pals in the woods.


    Apparently previous experience shows in classes you take. I took a basic self defense of ken-po in college. I learned a lot form it. However, most the classmates noticed I was..."very inclined" to put it simply. My long reach for my size got me paired up with large opponents in the classes. Not bragging.

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