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A Galaxy Foreseen

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Everything posted by A Galaxy Foreseen

  1. Cool, I'll be sure to look around about it then.

  2. But we all know its gonna come out one day right?

  3. You know when it will be in stores or ebay or whatever?

  4. I might try and get it when it comes out.

  5. What is it gonna be on?

    PC, Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 1, 2, 3 or what?

  6. The Old Republic? Is this that MMO we all talk about?

  7. Okay I guess I'll tell my life story now then. :D

  8. Yeah, KOTOR 1 has a better story and cooler image. KOTOR 2 has a pretty

    messed up story but you get more things like when you reach the level of 15

    you can choose what type of jedi you are like Jedi Weapon Master, Jedi Ace, Jedi Master, and a few others I cannot think of. I finished KOTOR 1 both ways

    light and dark but I got to about one more planet to find the Jedi Masters, Nar Shaddaa I believe was the planet. I couldn't finish that planet.

    Enough of my story eh?

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