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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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  • Biography
    I game, i run, i RP, i eat, i sleep, i...
  • Location
    Keldabe, Mandalore
  • Interests
    Gaming, Running, D&D (and other RPGs), Eating
  • Occupation
  • Current Game
    KotOR 2
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. Hey, thanks for replying back to me on the VM Scav, and I'm really sorry I missed your returned reply's too....because that's really too bad and here's why:


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    Now normally I would have replyed back to you if you would have replyed back earlier, but you took so damn long...so now I'm gonna hafta lock you out of my profile.......You know what, I'm feeling really frisky today - so I'm just gonna lock you out everybody else's as well and yours too.....just for the hell of it. :lock:


    Now Scav, don't go flamning me because I'm just doing my job - you ner'vod ( what the hell does that mean anyway :raise:) and if you do: Weeell, I'm just gonna have too give your avatar pixel points (that's where we start removing pixels from your avatar btw) and the more you flame me the more pixel points your avatar gets; until it is completely deleted - you got that. :cop:




    Lol, I'll be back too yack at ya later on buddy. :D

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