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Status Updates posted by JoeWJ

  1. Cool. I'll take a look at the stuff on Sugar when I get a chance!

  2. Nice! You working more on the rest of Act 1 content now then?

  3. Hey, pretty good. Gone back to college so doing 3 days there with 3 days working so haven't had that much time to get on. How are you?

  4. Nice. I'll start a playthrough in a bit!

  5. Sorry only just got the message :( I'll try and get on there some time soon, but got 3 weeks of college left till the summer and a ton of assignments to get done before then.

  6. Yea I got it! Got through a playthrough yesterday after I got it and didn't really find any bugs except a couple of minor . Gonna go through another one in a bit hopefully

  7. Damn it, shouldn't of looked at your profile =P Know Bao-Dur is in RoR now, big spoiler lol

  8. Happy birthday :D

  9. I was awnsering his problem on your visitor messages o.O

  10. What version of 7 are you using VP?


    I found the xatbox only loaded if I use the 32bit IE not the 64bit one

  11. Thanks for the message. Watched the vid and it was great :D

    How long did it take you to make?

  12. Sorry I haven't replied. I don't often come on here, spend most of my time on DS


    Yea I'm not too bad. Yourself?

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