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Laura Muffin

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Personal Information

  • Location
    Eatin' muffins in a spaceship
  • Interests
    Ask me.
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  • Current Game
    KotoR 2
  • Web Browser
    Internet Explorer?
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    omg I couldn't choose
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Newbie (1/14)



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  1. Lol, alrighty then, I gotta go Laura. But I'll let ya know how things are progressing with the tut's as I write them. :)




    P.S. Got more Friends. :thmbup1:


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    I just realized that you made friends with a couple of buddies of mine, and that's great. So if you want to know who's who, who to avoid, who's the Lucasforum bullies, and who's nice, etc. don't hesitate to ask Mandalore The Shadow and Te Mirdala Mand'alor about that. (I call them MTS and Me T for short) They've been on these forums a hell of a lot longer than I have, so there going to know a lot more than me and what's going down...yo.


    Anyway, thought I'd let you know that little tid bit.

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