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Laura Muffin

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  • Location
    Eatin' muffins in a spaceship
  • Interests
    Ask me.
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  • Current Game
    KotoR 2
  • Web Browser
    Internet Explorer?
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    omg I couldn't choose
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  1. Oh cool I love reading too. :thmbup1: And I'm really big on asking my friends "personal"(I don't know if you would call them personal)questions, I just like to get to know my friends better, and you seem like a really nice person. But if you'd rather I didn't ask you any questions, I would totaly understand, because I can see why you would be suspicious. I mean for all you know I could be some wierd old guy (I'm definately not) but see, how would anyone know. I mean if I could prove it to you I most definately would, but I don't really know how to. :giveup: So yah it's ultimately your choice, I'm NOT going to think any less of you, whatever you choose. I just hope we stay friends either way, because I've never met a girl who likes Star Wars as much as I do, and I'm really excited about that to tell you the truth! :bounce1:

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