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  • Biography
    I am lover of everything Artistic. I am a photographer ( BFA), I love making builds. Always interested in connecting with people and exploring their world. I want to get into modding and 3d modelling with things like Poser and such. I love to create.
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  • Interests
    Photography, Art, building computers, getting in 3d modeling, and modding.
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    Sales rep... ( shutter)
  • Current Game
    Kotor 2: tsl
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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. Once you have K1 and Kotor Tool downloaded you need to go to the following directories and select which Double-Bladed Lightsaber for Darth Bandon you're going to us (I believe that's why you VMed me), I'm going to assume that you're going to use the red one.


    BIFs / Templates / Blueprint, Item / and scroll down for the g_w_dblsbr002.utc and double click it.


    For now the main thing you want to focuse on are the four tabs, for you being a beginner you want to pay the most attention to the properties and description tabs.


    Properties - This is where you go to add properties to the weapon such as damage bonuses and attribute gains. There are numberous things you can do here and most of them are selfexplainatory and I'm not going to take the time to describe each one because there are so many. But add or change anything you want here to you're satisfaction and you'll be halfway there.

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