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Everything posted by MurraySchull

  1. Yeah, I'd be happy with Garry Chalk. And I believe he could be a strong possibility as well since he's already worked with Ron on Thimbleweed Park. Wonder if they've cast the role/recorded yet...
  2. Yeah, I'd usually follow that mindset too when recasting a character, but given that it's just this one game* , I'd rather have a performance that tries to follow along the lines of the LeChuck we've gotten to know and love. (Though admittedly, Boen is a hell of an act to follow!) I feel like the other recastings in the series were a lesser issue. Stan's voice changes in every new game it seems (and from our discussion the other day, that may have been welcomed!) and Elaine in EMI, I always assumed was American just to make the Herman Toothrot twist seem vaguely plausible. (They could've made Herman British, I guess, but that would've probably been a giveaway!) LeChuck is more important to get right, in my opinion. I trust them to make the right choice in regards to him. *I'm presuming that Monkey Island will be done after this. At least in its' current form. We're getting Ron's third game and the closure that his trilogy never had, and let's be honest, may not be lucky enough to have all of the series' talent still with us in the years to come. I think a rerelease of CMI, EMI and TMI, all remastered and ported to consoles, is increasingly more likely, however.
  3. I just don't want LeChuck's voice to sound really different/off just for this one game. That'll stand out tremendously if practically everybody else feels like (literally) a voice from the past except for him. I hope they get somebody who can imitate Boen's delivieries/voice closely enough while still giving a great performance. Similar to what Kevin Blackton did with human LeChuck in Tales. While we're throwing in suggestions, I remember there was a character in The Devil's Playhouse who sounded similar to LeChuck at times (the squid that lived inside Papierwaite, I forget the characters' name, I'm sorry!) If they can achieve the best of both worlds, I'll be happy.
  4. August is a solid guess. I think July could also be possible too dependent on how much more there is to do. I'm gonna predict we'll have a release date, the full cast, and a main trailer this time next month. While there's been so much speculation, appreciation and apprehension about the visuals from all corners of the MI community, I'm just sat here hoping LeChuck's new voice doesn't suck.
  5. The game is in the testing stages... If Devolver are due to appear at Summer Game Fest as expected (thanks to @OzzieMonkey for confirming it begins 9th June), I don't think it's a stretch to assume we'll have a release date by then...
  6. This is like when EMI's first screenshots came out and we were theorising over zoomed-in, pixellised areas of the backgrounds for information about the game.
  7. Yeah, that was discussed a while back. That character walks back/forth several times across the trailer, which makes me think that is is indeed Guybrush!
  8. Woah, nicely done! 😆 He looks almost jolly without the hat! Would've never pictured LeChuck being bald, I always imagined he'd have long, thick flowing locks of hair!
  9. I think we've got it! He'll steal Stan's jacket! It also just now occurs to me that we've never seen LeChuck without a hat before. That might be interesting. With his full head of unruly, gross, undead hair just floating on its' own in the wind...
  10. On that note, I wonder what form LeChuck might have in this game. Maybe he'll fluctuate between Chuckie and undead LeChuck throughout the story. If the game leads into Curse, he may very well be a zombie again. Otherwise... maybe a skeleton? (Also LeChuck in MI1 had a blue coat, and in MI2 had a red coat. Maybe this time he'll have a green coat!)
  11. Is E3 happening this year? If so, I'd imagine we'll hear something there. Otherwise, whatever the next big gaming event is should hopefully reveal some more info! I'm looking forward to seeing what all of the characters look like. Murray looked great in the preview, but to be fair, it's a skull! And I can't wait to hear brand new Guybrush Threepwood dialogue after all these years!
  12. If the trailer is any indication, the full effect of the art cannot be perfectly represented in the screenshots. There will be camera motion, flowing animations, atmospheric effects, parallax scrolling, etc. Similar in many ways to the Telltale tool. I'll bet that shot of Melee town, for example, will have the foreground rooftops on a different plane to the backdrop art, possibly with some additional fog/camera effects, giving the piece a greater layer of depth and atmosphere than what might be coming across in the art.
  13. It's a little complicated. The grey monkey in MI1 was never actually named in-game. The brown monkey playing the piano on Scabb Island was called Jojo. The grey monkey in EMI on Monkey Island was called Jojo Jr. , but he's actually the son of the grey monkey from MI1, who was retroactively named Jojo Sr. Bottom line. All monkeys in the Caribbean (aside from Timmy) are named Jojo!
  14. Yeah, it was never confirmed that Hammond was voicing Stan in ReMI, but it's natural to assume that he is. I'd have personally gone for Pinney in ReMI just for the sake of continuity, but I had no problems whatsoever with Hammonds' performance in Tales. I guess it'd be comparable to how Elaine goes from British in three games, to American in EMI, then British again in TMI and ReMI. I thought Pinney was perfect in Curse in terms of voice and delivery, but in the SE's it almost felt like they forgot to tell Pinney that Stan is a fast-talker, and he became more of a "smooth talking salesman" instead which didn't match his animations. (Though admittedly his performance as Stan trapped in the coffin did both make me laugh and feel sorry for him in a way that the classic mode never did!)
  15. MI2 - Guybrush locks Stan in the coffin. ReMI - Stan shows up in hell just as Ron Gilbert planned. Turns out he died while trapped in the coffin. Guybrush has to send Stan back to life somehow. CMI - Stan breaks free from the coffin. In his opening speech to Guybrush, he says "I'm one of the lucky ones. I've been dead!" It all fits! 😎 (Also Guybrush technically never tells Stan his name in MI1/2, making his "Of course! Guybrush Threepwood!" line a continuity error. Maybe ReMI could fix that by introducing them to each other properly!)
  16. Jinxed! 😁 Having LeChuck in a different form (human or otherwise) might also help to bridge the transition from Boen to the replacement actor too. Kevin Blackton voiced human LeChuck in Tales and he turned out great. That was a situation where I felt they could get away with a different actor for LeChuck because the characterisation was different enough (at first anyway!)
  17. Easy guess is Jojo. Less likely, but other possible option is Voodoo Lady (since all of the other characters have had their voice actors/castings teased and confirmed by the team. Here's a theory. Maybe Ron was referring specifically to LeChuck's zombie form. And he'll be something else in this one? His "Chuckie" form might actually be a good starting point for him since we know he has "lightning eyes" powers already. Who knows what he could become later...
  18. The hanged man in MI1 is actually Herman's friend that he sailed to Monkey Island with (the one that wrote the Captain's Log). Dread's friend was the navigator head that the cannibals give Guybrush, since Dread mentions that he and his "navigator" were taken prisoner by cannibals, only Dread escaped, and he kept one of his navigators' eyeballs as a good luck charm. (There is a continuity error in that the navigator head has two eyes in MI1, so it's possible that connection between the navigator head/Dread's friend may have been a late addition in MI2's development.)
  19. I'd be okay with some things not being resolved as I know that's just Ron's way, but since we're getting a whole new game that's a direct sequel to MI2, I'd hope for clarifications on at least some of the plot threads raised near the end of that game (i.e. Guybrush/LeChuck being brothers, what's real and what isn't, etc. And hell, the secret itself has been a secret for long enough!)
  20. Yeah, having the beginning section explaining how Guybrush got out of the amusement park (weather it be the first half, third, or even prologue) followed by a screen stating "31 years later" or whatever, I think would be the neatest way to sidestep the other games while still allowing them to be part of the overall canon. Something that links the amusement park section with the rest of the post-Tales section of the game would be a nice way of making it feel like a complete story too (thinking along the lines of the opening scenes of Iron Man 3 or Toy Story 4, which have events that set up the rest of the movie with those scenes taking place before some of the movies that preceded them.)
  21. You should! With Marius! On stream!... (if you want to)
  22. Oh man, now you've got me theorising about a TMI remaster! (Geniunely, I hope Skunkape do take this opportunity while the iron is hot to jump on it!) Yeah, I think the key things I'd love to see would be a live recording of the soundtrack by Land/McConnell/Bajakian (the tracks themselves are pretty much all great, but the instruments don't do them many favours), possibly some reworked character models, improved lighting and visuals where possible and Leilani Jones Wilmore as the Voodoo Lady.
  23. Really? From what I remember, Tales was generally really liked by the community at the time. Maybe that's changed over the years but I still look back on it fondly. Personally, I think it started off weaker from a game/puzzles/humour perspective but got much better as it progressed, with Episode 3 really being the turning point. Even though I felt the actual maguffin of "La Esponja Grande" itself was not particularly strong (though are we really going to say that "Big Whoop" or "The Ultimate Insult" were much better in comparison? ) and some of the episodic style pacing/bosses not being the best, I did feel that the plot in terms of the characters' journeys was the strongest in all of the games. LeChuck turning human, Guybrush being killed and becoming a ghost/zombie, Elaine/Guybrush's love being challenged, the Voodoo Lady's true intentions being questioned... I don't think any of the other games tested the characters and their relationships as much as Tales did. Every character felt less black and white than before, and that's something that Telltale in general did really well back in the day.
  24. Had to dig back into the archives of this forum but it turns out there is still an active link for a patch from LogicDeluxe to run the SE in easy mode. In their words:
  25. I do remember at the time the SE came out, somebody found that tweaking one of the settings in the games' data did enable easy mode in the SE. The easy mode dialogue is all voiced and everything puzzle-wise is accounted for, though I think I remember one or two glitches being present here and there given that easy mode was never meant to be included. Will report back here if I find it...
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