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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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  • Biography
    Why do you need to know
  • Location
    I be at Sea!
  • Interests
    sailing, pirating, going to port, sacking towns
  • Occupation
    If you must know, I am a captain of a ship! So, obey orders, do your duty, and no harm will come to you! Understood?!
  • Current Game
    POTC: New Horizons
  • Web Browser
    google, but why do u care
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. Sorry, I'm a little too busy with Revenge of Revan. Maybe after you've put in a lot more work, I might be able to supply a character or two. I didn't join RoR until I'd seen just how much Logan23 was doing himself. It wasn't until post #115 that I actually started to help (and most of Logan's post were VERY detailed, and I was inspired). Most big idea TCs stop long before then, and have little to show for it. So, please try to learn how to do as much as you can. If you do that, people will be much more confident about spending their own precious time by helping you (and not doing it for you). Don't give up :)


    "Luctor et emergo" - (Struggle and emerge)

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