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Vandros Artenon

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Vandros Artenon's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey, was wondering if your still interested in working on the mod's story or do you want me to move you to the regular team and have you focus more on modeling?

  2. Hey? you still around?

  3. Ok, I have you on my contact list and sent a IM on your yahoo.

  4. I have a Yahoo mail account that I check often, so YIM would be best (c.artenon@yahoo.com).

  5. Hey, going to send you an invite to the team.


    You will also be getting an e-mail with some info


    Whats the best way to contact you? do you have yahoo messenger? AIM? or MSN messenger ?

  6. Where should I start? I can email some models if you need them or start making some new models. If you need quest writing, I'll need some more specific details (what planet, who's involved, circumstances surrounding quest, etc.). Also, I was wondering if you'd like some help editing dialogue.

  7. Hey, where have you been??

  8. Hi Logan Felipe,

    Glad to see you joined

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