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Bane's Heart

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  • Biography
    I'm an ambitious modder at the moment, hopefully I'll be able to progress and train my skills...
  • Location
    Aussie Aussie OI OI!
  • Interests
    Soccer, Basketball, Art and of course playing my favourite games.
  • Current Game
    Modding for KOTOR2
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    Internet Explorer
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  1. Ah aha. I can help with that. Simply go into your KotOR Tool, then open the tab of whichever game this sword will be in, then open the tab "BIF"s, open the tab "Templates.bif", open the tab "Blueprint, Item", scroll down until you find "w_melee_05", double-click it, in the type-box beside "Template ResRef" type something like "w_mystrblade_01", type the same thing in the type-box directly under that, then click the tab "Properties" at the top, double-click on the star by the white boxes, and put your properties in, such as attack bonus or damage bonus, or something like that... Once you've added your properties, click on the tab "Description" at the top, Type in "Mysterious Blade" under "Name". Then type in your description under "Identified Description". Then save as "w_mystrblade_01.uti" be sure to type uti after the file name!


    EDIT: KotOR 1??? Oh... Instead of "w_melee_05" go down to "g_w_vbroshort01"... Sorry about that.

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