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  1. So i have tryed this solution whit two italian GOG setup.... i have both file: setup_escape_from_monkey_islandtm_1.1_(italian)_(20987)-1.bin setup_escape_from_monkey_islandtm_1.1_(italian)_(20987).exe After about 5 minutes i have obtain a file structure apparently completely useless.... a folder called {tmp} apparently contain all files but in a totally wrong name and all folder like 00 0a in all subfolder. How i can know what's the REAL name of the games ? A file called install_script.iss apparently contain all END path and real name but actually it's impossible to rename manually file by file. *EDIT* OMG Wait a moment........ now it's work....... i have relaunch innoextract and the .exe from terminal and now all files as created correctly!! Now try to add the GOG Italian 1.1 on current DREAMM 3.0b13 *EDIT 2nd PART* So.... let's get to the point. After i have extracted correctly the GOG package whit innoextract 1.9 (remember all files it's extracted on same folder you have the two GOG files.. so before to extract move it in a empty subfolder or something similar) it's only need to drag the entire folder on DREAMM windows and the GOG 1.1 as been added and can be playable whitout neeed to use NOCD or somethings similar. So..... we can therefore say that to date the GOG version is the best version available to use with Dreamm. Right ? I took one of the save files I put here and loaded it. I completed the game without any major problems! I obtain only one CRASH and games closed himself and i'm to my OS Desktop while I was trying to jog Herman's memory by throwing stuff at his head. All in all the game is playable also whit DREAMM right now if you use the correct store version in this case the GOG version. Ironically, even the retail CD version... maybe it works if you use the GOG Monkey4.exe But at this point i thinks if you want to use directly the RETAIL CD Version on Windows a valid alternative it's usage of "Quick & Easy" Launcher/Setup whit the NoCD by Skull (after you have modified the correct keys whit windows registry editor) On other OS problably the Retail CD Version it's also playable whit DREAMM..... lol... I've honestly finished this game more times in a month than I have in my entire 45 years
  2. yeah.. let's say like after 10/15 minutes of play more or less Strange... it's possibly only the Italian retail version has this trouble ? ** Little OT ** https://forums.scummvm.org/viewtopic.php?t=15986 Were you aware of this sort of unofficial patch? Some report there's already included on some 1.1 GOG Version of the game (expecially the PS2 Monkey Kombat variant) . I have tryed on italian 1.1 retail and apparently it's work but you need to RESTART the ADVENTURE from beginning. If you apply this patch and use a previous savegames made on version 1.1 it's cause the game tends to crash often and end up in deadlocks especially during discussions. Infact if you go on Games Setting (in Italian "Modifica Pizzellacchere") where you can set the graphic details this unofficial patch it's listed as version 1.2....
  3. as has already been said, the Italian RETAIL version has greater security in its .exe and apparently over the years noone as RELEASES a real 1.1 NoCD directly for 1.1 italian exe. but then I discovered that version 1.1 on GOG it's DRM Free and obviously it's not requerred any nocd crack or somethigs similar. I can buy this GOG release.. it's not a big problems for me but usually all GOG games as been relased in a big files .BIN and a small .EXE as setup. How i can add this on DREAMM ? I need to use a windows to made the installation and after copy all necessary files TO dreamm ? And if i'm on Linux how i can extract the original GOG setup which obviously is for windows environment ?
  4. Wait... I thought I said it before: The real problems is that this thing appears totally random.... infact if you load a previous savegames (like all gsv provided here) It has never happened that the game crashes at the same point. Maybe i can continue to play this games from about x minutes and in a random point it's happend... i can save again and baaam crash appends I don't even speak English very well and it's not easy for me to explain the concept well... as mentioned there is no real nocd patched exe of version 1.1 in Italian and maybe that is the problem that causes the crashes.... or in my case it could also be my current operating system where I am using "Dreamm" (windows 11 as i said). it would be very helpful if the same "Dreamm" can made a debug log or somethings similar..... as it stands now I think I'm forced to continue having those sporadic crashes. Or. also i can try to use the "Quick and Easy Software" Launcher/Setup directly on windows ecosystem....
  5. Are you talking about my screenshot of the error 0xc0000005 ? Exactly. that's not windows 11. that is the screenshot of the app "Dreamm" app immediatelly after the games goes in crash. For my great fortune... all previous savegames created whit Dreamm it's also compatible whit the ISOs installed directly using the Setup and Laucher provided by "Quick and Easy Software" here: https://quickandeasysoftware.net/software/emi-launcher For use that whit the italian version i have also need to made some tweak and also found an "alternative" nocd. The nocd from skull it's work but it's start whitout background audio at all. For made the games full works i have to made some modification on my Windows REGEDIT and take an alternative version of FullMonkeyMap file. after a few attempts I managed to start that version. Today i have also tryed the nocd of skull on Dreamm.. the games works but it's start whitout no background audio at all....
  6. efmi054.gsv Today reach again Monkey Island after Mandril and LeChuck they took the supreme insult from me... After some time on Monkey Island take first talk to Herman...... arrived on "lookout" and this is the result: I made the save posted here and immediately afterwards the game crashed again with that error "unhandled exception 0xc0000005" At this point i don't have idea... this crash append also whit 2.1.2 and also whit 3.0b12 after random time i play the game. What's the problems.. it's the Italian version ? It's My OS ? Windows 11 Made this trouble ? It's my current .exe ? It's some my files corrupter or somethings similar ? It's some particular issue ? I have two SSD Installed on my pc.....
  7. efmi039.gsvefmi038.gsvI have play a lot today.... i can upload to you this two savegames point. on efmi039.gsv i'm out of pirate re-education school at jambalaya island. Uou can load and you can see the games it's completely freeze.. you can listen audio but you can move or somethigs similar... the only thing you can open the F1 menĂ¹ and close the game on efmi038.gsv instead i have just take the two puppets... you can go to the school and pass this point if you don't obtain the issue append to me on efmi039.gsv Ah... after i save the games it's crashing whit same error posted about some hours ago.. the unhandled exception... I hope i can fix this savegame.
  8. @Aaron Giles So I was playing and this is what happens... I managed to take a screenshot just before the game crashed. And also about the game crashing with the error. I'll post them for you: Look the empty texture... somethigs like a crash... after some seconds the games goes in crash and appears this: At this point i don't have idea if it's caused by my nocd exe or caused by dreamm.. this time i have used the currect stable 2.1.2 but a similar issue append also whit current 3.0b12.
  9. Hi my "friend"....... if you speak about the mail from a user like "onlyforpersonalapi" on gmail.com or somethings similar yes. I have sent it directly from my BROTHER Intel NUC. as mentioned from his home he has an Intel NUC WM-408B (At the moment I'm not sure if this is the exact model. I should go and check I don't remember ) The OS installed have UBUNTU 22.04 LTS and here i have "installed" my old ISOs maded from original Italian CD. I have tryed both version the stable and current beta and after so many test i found the issue reported on pastebin link Now i know it's caused by "Italian" CD Copy protection.... lol that same evening I then returned to my house and then tried the same ISO again on my home PCs...... until finally i have read this reply and about last night i have tryed to put some NOCD found on WEB after a google search. Whit some of that Finally DREAMM works and the games it's can executable...... (this time i have tryed on a notebook whit windows 11 whit current 3.0b12) but whit some of that the games start whitout audio tracks. After so many .EXE tryed i have found one of that work..... the games start in italian and only the music it's works whitout any issue. I reached act 2 last night There's only one thing I have to report... i don't have idea if it's caused because i'm using the beta but during the gameplay it happens that every now and then some TEXTURES disappear from objects and it's appears a EMPTY squadred image whit a text DEFAULT. When this append i have to wait about 30 seconds or 1 minutes and entire GAME goes in crash and appears an error like unhadled 0xxx0xxx-C whit a strange address and i can click on "OK" and the games crash and it's back to DREAMM launcher on the screen. When this append i can made a SAVEGAMES and when i relaunch the games and load the savegame just maded all background texture now apparently it's back to works. This strange issue it's appears randomly.... sometime after 10 minutes... other after 20 minutes........ totally randomly. I have also can try report another issue.......... on Melee Island inside the ScummBAR there are the two guys playing darts.. On a specific savegames i have reach a strange situation...... if I try to talk to them Guybrush try to get their attention by calling but they never respond, they stop throwing darts after a while and the game comes to a complete standstill and I can't do anything. just close the game. I don't know if this is a knowed BUG of games or also here it's caused from dreamm......... honestly I played and finished monkey4 too long ago to remember the whole story. That's why I'm enjoying playing it again. Thanks in advance for reply also because DREAMM it's, at today, the only APP can possibly made to play this fantastic games: Whit scummVM the games it's slightly unplayable and crash every time you try to made a save. And the remaded EFMI Launcher 1.4 it's ok for install the games from Isos but after that it's not works whit same NOCD exe Ah.... already have sent PM to you........ 403 Forbidden
  10. Hi @Aaron Giles I can't get this to work in any way "Dreamm". I have test in three different setup whit 3 different PC and OS. Yesterday at my Brother home whit a mini-pc whit os used Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Wayland session): I have tryed both version.. the 2.1.2 and also the 3.0b12. I have "install" my CD od Escape from Monkey Island and after that also the patch 1.1 I have tryed to start the games and it's crash and it's return to terminal whit a lot of information About 5 minutes ago i have tryed in this PC... a Windows 11 PC Notebook HP Pavillon. Also here i have tryed to current 3.0b12 and the stable 2.1.2. I have tryed to install the same ISO in both version and after that the patch 1.1 and also here the games not works. On windows after i choose to lauch games DREAMM remain blocked whit a totally BLUE Windows where in the background you can see a sort of picture about Dreamm icons... How this DREAMM works ? It's the ITALIAN CD Version correctly supported ?? Apparently the GOG version it's tested... the CD Version it's slighty different ? On my home it's exist a way to obtain a log or somethigs similar i can report to you to try to fix this games ? Thanks in advance.
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