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Personal Information

  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the Old Republic 2
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The_Yeti's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey Logan


    I’ve found myself to be far busier at the moment than I thought I would be and I'm afraid I don't have a lot of spare time on my hands. I don’t feel like I can be a productive contributor to Revenge of Revan at the moment.


    I do intend on eventually helping out with the project but right now I don’t know when that will be. I’ll contact you when I’m more able to contribute. =)

  2. Sounds good =)

  3. Hey Logan, sorry about being away. I have been very busy!


    I do have a facebook account, though I haven't used it in awhile and never really did anything with it. I'll send you a link to it in a day or two. We can talk then.

  4. Opps, sorry about being away Logan. I have been very busy!


    I do have a facebook, though I haven't used it in awhile. I'll send you a link to it in a day or two.

  5. Hey, do you have a messager, like yahoo? For real time chat?


    Or do you have Facebook? We can chat there as well.


    Want to get you up to speed

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