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Darth Sapiens

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    Kotor I&II
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  2. Yeah for the UVW's you need to stick both the model's UV's onto one map. Like for my robes I had the Republic armor texture but Had to make room for the Cape texture as well... this is a drawback since there is only so much space left after they're merged but I think it's well worth it for the effect.


    Deadman is the man though, he can pretty much do anything with models haha :p

  3. yeah but i couldnt rig it XD also he (deadman) had to mess with the uvws for me, ill figure it out im sure :) its a good skill to have

  4. Well here's the guide: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=204094


    Just follow that - that's pretty much all there is to it. If you run into any snags feel free to ask any questions, but like I said I don't have any access to the files or programs and plus tbh I don't entirely remember the whole process. It's not difficult, but it can be fussy sometimes.


    Didn't you combine meshes for your GO-TO mod?

  5. k well, i need visas' robes merged with the jedi robe model, similar to your armored robes mod. for my visas' changing robes mod. pm me for more info if you think you can help.

  6. Just so you know I don't have access to any of the game files but I'm happy to help - what's up?

  7. hey think you could help me with a mod im making? i need some expertise in an area you seem quite capable in...

  8. You have a PM at Deadly Stream.

  9. Hey, welcome to the forum.


    You mod looks great, by the way. :thmbup1:

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