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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Just call me L0ki.
  • Location
    British Columbia, Canada
  • Interests
    Gaming, Reading Manga & Watching Anime, Modding K1 & TSL
  • Occupation
    Unemployed at the moment
  • Current Game
    A Bunch of Games
  • Web Browser
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    K1 & TSL, JKJA & JKJO
  • Resolution
  • Height in cm

Contact Information

  • Xbox Live GamerTag
  • Steam ID

L0ki194's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, it's Will in Canada.

  2. I mean PM, and today would be ideal due to my schedule. In fact let's see if we can find each other now.


    Also is it Will in Canada?

  3. Hm.... Sure. My time zone is Pacific, so I think you're 4 hours ahead of me. Do you mean 6 PM EST or AM? Also what day? And lastly, my Skype name should be exactly like my name on here.

  4. Yes sir and if you are interested areas as well. Lately we've been communicating via skype, if you wouldn't mind meeting up there say around 6ish, Eastern Standard Time, that would be great. That way we can catch you up with everything thus far.

  5. Hmm. I looked at your project there. Seems rather interesting. What would you need me for, just skinning characters/armors/robes?

  6. Excellent work on your Sith and Republic Armor upgrades. You did a superb job. Let me know if you may be interested in doing some additional texturing work for me on my project Shadows of the Empire.

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