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Apoc Nizmith

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Status Updates posted by Apoc Nizmith

  1. Sorry bro been working, have the next few days off hit me up.

  2. Tomorrow maybe? Tonight I just logged in to post the image and check mail, I will log in skype here for a few minutes

  3. yeah let me log iin my acc

  4. it looks like a flat out addware site with crazy links no popups, K even shut off my blocker

  5. Ok I am on the page but now I only have a... here dude let me get you a screeny, Just use skype man

  6. Or my nortons could eat your pop up and I could just get a white screen that says failed to load content lol

  7. On sote now what java add on do I need?

  8. Ah lol, Yeah could be it I see no box on that page. Let me see if I can find the plug ins I will need

  9. Failed to load the vid, assuming you are still working on that? I'll check back again later

  10. Word has it you have a Lucasforums Skype group I would like to poke at lol! PM me... PLZ

  11. RedRob41, hey man, I have a question, can I use your invisible head model for a mod I am creating I will give you credit bro. Just figured I would ask before doing it.

  12. If you send me the textures you made I can give it a try?

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