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Posts posted by kralex

  1. On 12/8/2020 at 1:41 AM, Jake said:

    I don’t understand how people editing their own work is censorship, especially when the original is still available. That’s not at all what censorship is.

    in the case of this Sam & Max release, I think what’s going on is a small subset of the audience aren’t getting exactly what they want, and are upset but know that sounds childish to complain about, so they’re crying censorship as a somehow more “acceptable” way of throwing that same fit. 


    (Sorry for bringing some negativity to this good times thread!)


    The changes also barely effect anything, the claims that the edits have 'ruined the edgy comedy' is absurd, none of the cut lines were that spectacular and there's plenty of raunchy, edgy uncouth humour left in the game. Also I did not remember that line about a young teen girl online exploring herself, but I will say it kinda gave me the heebiejeebies. I think in this day and age cutting it was a good call.


    It's a depressing state of affairs the way that certain causes that I'm sure these people don't REALLY care about (remember the review bombing on Ion Fury last year? It was the same crud) become this viral hatemob thing that is just this really toxic parasitical thing. Heck, people were so upset by The Last Jedi they were saying absurd things like Rian Johnson is a hack and terrible film maker, despite him having directed lots of other pretty well regarded films. It's all just buzzwords and this disgusting vile group think and I'm so sick of seeing it. Social media has shown for good and for bad people being loud and aggressive can result in people getting what they 'want'. I also think it must feel 'good' in a way for these people to feel like they're a 'part' of something and having an 'enemy' to rally against. It's all so tiring.


    But enough mulling on the toxicity, the remaster is wonderful and everyone has done a great job giving these games some well deserved love and care and I hope you guys can keep doing what you're doing! Much love ❤️ And much love to this community and this thread, it's nice to see some sunshine in between all the poo flinging!

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  2. 9 hours ago, Lagomorph01 said:

    I love the way these remasters are looking!! The new lighting is so much more athmospheric and noiry.

    While I'm a bit skeptical about the recasting of voices (I think it's unnecessary, it's a product of it's time), I'm mostly okay with it. The voice acting wasn't always that strong a point anyway, and I'm glad to see that they're working on the timing of jokes as well.

    All in all this is a day one buy for me, on Switch to be precise!

    I think it might also be the controversy the original voice of Bosco has found himself with on his youtube channel, sounds like he's kinda made himself into PR poison.



    From 2015 to 2016, Camen posted to the “Camen TV” YouTube channel, where the actor would post videos openly mocking transgender people, wearing black-face and other controversial content. In one video he plays “Krey Master J” an over-exaggerated black stereotype that wears a black face mask and openly says the n-word (though it is bleeped out).

    In another, Camen wears a purple wig and calls himself “Susan”, a “transgender against trans fats.” The four-minute video uses the term “transvestite” and lacks any form of nuance whatsoever. Another video has Camen dressed up as “Rabbi Goldstein” who can’t seem to understand Black Lives Matter but spits when asked if “goyim” (non-jews) matter. One more has Camen as “Tommy from Thailand” where he says “black man try to fuck with me” and “try to jew me down on stuff.” The 27 videos are full of stale humor, offensive jokes and a poor grasp on modern internet culture.

    The videos were later taken down by Camen in 2019. In a statement to Eurogamer, Camen explained his “edgy” comedy - labelled as racist and transphobic - was “parody”, but still pulled the videos as it “was the right thing to do”. Here’s his statement in full:

    “I’m sorry and I truly apologize to anyone who was offended. Look, I have been a professional standup comedian, actor and voice actor my entire adult life. I do voices and impressions for a living. I am also Jewish and I grew up in Detroit in primarily black neighborhoods. The voices and characters I do reflect my life experiences and admiration for the people I grew up with. The videos I did were comedy parodies with characters speaking in their vernacular.

    Some of my comedy is edgy, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion as to what they think is funny, but please do not refer to me being racist or otherwise. I do not come from a place of hate in any of my work. I removed the videos because I thought it was the right thing to do.

    BTW, please note that I never posted a video with myself in blackface. I was wearing a multicolored ski mask and doing a music review of an artist’s new album as a character”.


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