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Posts posted by Ramen

  1. On 8/4/2023 at 8:45 AM, Laserschwert said:


    I'm using nothing fancy, an Epson Perfection V39. The important part for me was a removable lid, so that it doesn't get in the way when scanning larger stuff. I'd love to have a bigger scanner, but those are much pricier. And since I don't scan THAT much myself (I'm relying on collectors scanning their stuff for me), it wasn't worth the investment yet. But yeah, an A3 scanner, with a removable lid, AND an as-thin-as-possible bezel around the glass (this one's the most difficult one) would be fantastic.

    Thanks for your response!


    Beautiful map <3

  2. On 7/24/2023 at 5:38 PM, Laserschwert said:

    Yeah, if this is acceptable on the Mojo forum, I might make another thread for non LucasArts posters.


    I hope this is not too off topic, but can I ask what scanner you use and/or would recommend for scanning artwork and posters at home if you could choose?

  3. 1 minute ago, ThunderPeel2001 said:


    Dude, I can't think of any way to explain it any clearer than I already have. I promise you that the answer as to why this is wrong lies within the long message that has caused you so much offence.


    1. I'm not a dude.
    2. No one forced you to 'explain' or respond to anything (like you stated before you edited your post for the gazillionth time, like you do with every post, let us know when you are done next time).
    3. Like I said, I'm out. Please let it go. You're acting completely nuts.

  4. On 2/20/2023 at 2:22 PM, ThunderPeel2001 said:

    That's not how Google Forms work. You can either limit it to people in your organisation or make the form public. (Unlike other Google Drive documents there's no way to request access through the click of a button.)


    This is your statement to me. This is what I responded to.

    There is a button you can click to send an access request to the creator of a google form if they use the wrong link, like shown several times. So obviously there is A way to request access through the click of a single button. I never said the button on the google form was what was shown, I in fact have done the complete opposite the whole time.

    I'm not sure why you are so aggressive, or accuse me of ´trolling´, because from my side, you are acting completely bonkers. You do not seem like a very nice person. And I know perfectly well how a google doc functions.

    The whole point is that you were able to request access through a blue button, which I have stated the whole time. Why you keep insisting on grinding on about this is beyond my comprehension, but it feels like you are dead set on just being rude and mean and try to make me out to be some kind of it idiot. Knock yourself out. Have your little victory dance. I'm out.


  5. On 2/20/2023 at 2:22 PM, ThunderPeel2001 said:

    That's not how Google Forms work. You can either limit it to people in your organisation or make the form public. (Unlike other Google Drive documents there's no way to request access through the click of a button.)


    This is your statement to me. 

    This is the button you can click to send an access request to the creator of a google form if they use the wrong link.

    I agree that it's not worth talking about anymore, and that it is possible to send an access request with both a form using the wrong link and a google doc through the click of a button, notifying the creator. So I am unsure why you keep replying. 🤷‍♂️

    Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 22.36.46.png

  6. 9 minutes ago, ThunderPeel2001 said:


    That's to request EDIT ACCESS to the form (ie. the ability to administer the form: the questions, the answers, see the results, etc.). 

    Which would allow you to send an access request to the person who made the form.

    And this was the button on the page in question. And your screenshot is from a random website. So it was probably a goggle doc. and not a form.

    Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 22.43.03.png

  7. 11 minutes ago, ThunderPeel2001 said:


    That screenshot is what I saw 🤷‍♂️ Perhaps it was edited after I made my post. Either way, as I already said, you can't request access in the way you described. It's not how Google Forms work. (This is a fascinating conversation, btw.)


    How To Remove Request Edit Access Button On A Google Form

    If your users are seeing the request edit access button on your form, it is likely that you are sharing the incorrect link.

    When creating the form, if you just copy the link from your URL bar the copy of the form that your users will see will contain the request edit access button.

    If you want to share it without the request edit access button you need to use the “Send” button or add /viewform the end of your link.

  8. 3 hours ago, ThunderPeel2001 said:

    That's not how Google Forms work. You can either limit it to people in your organisation or make the form public. (Unlike other Google Drive documents there's no way to request access through the click of a button.)


    Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 13.26.28.png




    Then this document was a regular Google Drive document, because it had a big, fat 'Request access' button when you tried to access it, and that screenshot is not a screenshot of the page in question.

    It looked like this:


    PS. It is seemingly possible to create this scenario with a google form as well, by sending out the wrong link to a public form (copying it directly from the address bar):

    How To Remove Request Edit Access Button On A Google Form

    If your users are seeing the request edit access button on your form, it is likely that you are sharing the incorrect link.

    When creating the form, if you just copy the link from your URL bar the copy of the form that your users will see will contain the request edit access button.

    If you want to share it without the request edit access button you need to use the “Send” button or add /viewform the end of your link.

  9. 4 hours ago, bennywhitebread said:

    Hi laserschwert, I'm not offering anything at the moment and won't.

    I was just polling the community before going to this last step but regarding the reactions, I just edited my article and remove the form.

    Case closed.


    I thought it was a good idea to make those boxes with crazy prices affordable for everyone (with all content) sold as REPRO but I guess I was wrong.

    I will keep recreating it for myself !




    Why not share the art files, like Laserschwert has done with his work? That way, anyone who would like to make their own box could just do it themselves.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Niemandswasser said:


    You keep doing this thing where you go "A lot of people agree with me" and seem to think that somehow proves your point, like if you can get a certain number of people to have the same opinion that automatically elevates it into an objective truth. It doesn't. I don't care how many people like their breakfast sausages with maple flavoring added--I think it tastes vile. Bring me eight million people who live and die by maple sausage, it's not going to change it for me. I don't want my delicious omelettes served up alongside pancake-flavored meat. If I find myself in the minority on that, then so be it. God grant me the wisdom to accept that the mainstream and I are out of step and the fortitude to live my life without materializing in the middle of pro-maple communities to call them all intolerant fanatics. I have better things to do than sit there Seething while everybody else Wolfs down their breakfast.


    As to my tone, I apologize for straying from the standards of civility and mutual respect you established previously:



    A lot of people do agree. The part after that was added by you. I think a discussion of semantic truth vs. scientific fact is a digression, and a bit besides the point. I am simply saying what I think, as everyone else. The word fan is derived from fanatic.

    It's not so much your tone, but what you actually write, and the words you chose to do so. It seems you are trying to start a fight, while at the same time putting a lot of words in my mouth and telling me what I should do and think, but I am not really interested in one :) I hope you enjoy the rest of your Friday!

  11. 9 minutes ago, Niemandswasser said:


    Or there's the third option, which is that he made the exact movie he intended to and it happened to be something you disliked. I didn't like Tenet either--I haven't liked a thing Nolan's done since Inception--so believe me when I say I'm not going out of my way to defend it, but saying a director you liked must have either aged out of his talents or forgotten how to use them without even considering that you maybe just weren't the target audience for his recent work is ludicrous. You're of course welcome to insist on viewing every piece of media you dislike as an instance where the creator has failed you personally, rather than as a place where your tastes and theirs simply diverge, but that's a great way to spend your life miserable, bitter, and spiteful. It's also the default position of a child who still thinks the world is there for the express purpose of meeting all their needs and who screams when told they can't have ice cream for breakfast, so don't be shocked when people react to you the same way. We're all here because we're interested in this upcoming game and have relatively optimistic expectations. The fact that you aren't and don't isn't going to change that, no matter how put out you are by our unwillingness to drop everything and go "Hey, Ramen hates how it looks! Let's talk about that for a while!" My strong recommendation would be to either adjust your expectations accordingly or, as I did after seeing Tenet, conclude that you've wasted your time on something that wasn't for you and go do something that brings you more joy. (Have you tried the Adventure Gamers forum? They've got a "Guess the adventure game scene" thread that a lot of people get a kick out of, and there have been plenty of newcomers joining in lately!)

    Well, to be fair, you did crop out my next sentence, which was "I don't know." And the sentiment that it was simply not a good movie was shared by many others. Even the main actors admitted they did not understand it. And it does not disqualify the two former options, it is still entirely possible they are the reason.

    You are making a whole lot of assumptions about what I think, that I have not even said anything about. I don't feel like anyone has failed me personally, I have said what I think, like everyone else does. You obviously do not agree with me, and that is fine, but I think it's a bit rude to use words like miserable, bitter and spiteful, and screaming, entitled child. If anything, that is how your message comes across to me, without me feeling a need to use that kind of language. I don't think I have acted like that, so I don't really think you are reacting the same way as me.

    I'm also here because I'm interested in (and love) Monkey Island. That doesn't mean any critical thought is not allowed. That seems a bit intolerant, honestly. I haven't said you should change your mind, but it does seem that you think you can and should tell me what to do. Feel free to not respond, that is everyones right, of course :)


  12. 6 minutes ago, Udvarnoky said:


    I dunno, they seem to find themselves "attacked" wherever they make port.


    The oppression must just be that targeted.

    I'm sorry, I'm not sure i understand what you mean?


    5 minutes ago, Thrik said:

    Jawa, is that you?!


  13. This reminds me of when Tenet came out.

    I'm a huge fan of Christopher Nolan movies (The Prestige, The Dark Knight, Inception and Interstellar are some of my all time favourites), so when I first heard about Tenet, I was ecstatic. I waited in painful anticipation, and since it came out in theatres during the pandemic, and he hadn't made anything like those movies since 2014, I was overjoyed.

    I remember the feeling I had after coming out of the theatre (after 3(!) hours). I felt confused and cheated, like someone had tricked me, at the same time. At first I thought that maybe it was just so great and complex that I didn't get it. But as days passed, and I discussed it with other people I knew that had seen it, I realised that my initial reaction was correct. It was just bad.

    Maybe he lost it, maybe he grew too old, like many people do. I don't know. But I think the people in other forums are just voicing their truthful opinion, where they won't be attacked for it. I can't see why anyone would go out of their way to find something negative to criticise, because at the end of the day, I think those people have also been waiting for years to experience something as great as their earlier experiences again, too.

    It also reminds me of a Stephen Fry quote;

    “It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."

    [I saw hate in a graveyard -- Stephen Fry, The Guardian, 5 June 2005]”

  14. 1 hour ago, Jayel said:

    As the guy who did the header image for that article, I think ReMI looks great! Its art feels very much like work of an accomplished and technically competent artist going for a particular style (and it is - looking at Rex Crowle's previous works they're jawdroppingly good. Knights and Bikes in particular, you can really tell it was his passion project). No one's wrong to dislike it or disagree with it stylistically, but half the fun in appreciating art is engaging with stuff you don't like, wouldn't you agree :)

    Yes, I do agree! And as you can see, I do engage with it, I am not the one unwilling to talk about it :)

    That doesn't mean I agree it is technically or stylistically good.

    Are you Dan Lee, btw? The header image reminds me of his work. Kudos on it!

  15. 9 minutes ago, KestrelPi said:


    Oh okay.


    Guybrushes nose doesn't look like a penis, his body proportions are in keeping with kind of storybook/scrapbook feel the art style is going for, animation similarly, and it's also looking like it's going to be probably the most custom animation we've seen in any of the games including the 3d ones, colours are bright but well-chosen and in keeping with the style, backgrounds are heavily stylised and angular, but have a great sense of life especially while in motion,  characters have very expressive faces in a way that we've never seen in a 2D Monkey Island before, even Curse where characters weren't very expressive outside of cutscenes.




    Anyone can list a bunch of things and call them facts. Don't pretend you're taking the intellectual high road by doing so. Nah. What you're doing is not art criticism (if it were, you'd notice that the approaches between this and the MI1 special edition are EXTREMELY different and that this style is a lot more detailed and took a lot more effort), it's your own feelings about the art, which you've wrapped up in faux-critique in order to that you can act wounded whenever anyone refuses to engage with you on it.


    You know, I've talked to a lot of different people about this art style, and you know the ones I've talked to who are the MOST excited about it? Usually, they're trained artists. By all means don't like the art. Just stop pretending that you have access to some higher level of critique that makes you 'correct' about it.


    Since you missed my sarcasm the first time round, let me be absolutely clear: I am not going to engage with this line of argument any more.





    I didn't call them facts, I said they were true. Which they are to most people I know, and according to the internet, a whole lot of people I don't know as well. And I said compared to MI2 and MI3, not compared to the special editions. But if you feel the need to twist words to put others down, feel free. Is what you are doing art criticism? Is it you who defines what that is? I have a bachelors in art history, and also know a lot (too many) artists. I don't pretend to hold some kind of higher standard because of it, but I am used to engage in discourse over technique and style. Something I can tell the people in this forum is not.

    I'm not wounded anyone refuses to engage with me, I'm just pointing out that you are chasing away anyone who disagrees with your rose tinted view of what this is, and then parading around thinking you have changed peoples mind. Which you haven't. They just don't engage with you anymore, because you are gatekeeping and being aggressive towards them.

    And I did not miss your sarcasm. I just don't engage with passive aggressiveness in the same manner you opt to do when my world view is challenged.

    • Like 1
  16. Just now, BaronGrackle said:

    You seem angry. I get angry too. But this doesn't feel like the environment.


    Here, enjoy this old Captain Mystery article that spews more hate at Ron Gilbert than we've probably seen in the past few months, for cultivating a section of the fanbase into diehards: https://mixnmojo.com/features/sitefeatures/LucasArts-Secret-History-6-Monkey-Island-2-LeChucks-Revenge/4

    Thanks for the concern, I'm just enjoying my spritzer in the sun, watching the beautiful people passe me by :)

    I'm not really interested in your article, but the art on the header image is great! Wish they had done something like that for ReMI!

    • Like 1
  17. 14 minutes ago, KestrelPi said:

    I, too, can make declarative statements:


    The art and animation looks wonderful and detailed.


    See, isn't this wonderful? What a great and edifying discussion we're having. How the discourse has been enriched by this back-and-forth we're engaged in.

    I'm glad to see you are open to discussion. 

    I disagree. Looks like a jumbled mess to me. Compared to the hand drawn art of Peter Chan and Bill Tiller in MI2 and MI3, it’s not much better than the horrible special editions they put out. Anyone who has even visited an art class knows that you can critique technique and style in a debate, without depending entirely on your feelings and subjective experience.


    Guybrushes nose looks like a penis, he has a bobble head, animation looks like cutout puppets with limbs pivoting around the joints, colors are grossly oversaturated, backgrounds look like a mess and have several focal points making it hard to discern characters and points of interest, characters have black soulless pinpoint eyes and generally look like they are lifted from an abstract painting or childrens iPad novel. Kinda reminds me of Hamlet, except that looked better and had technically better art direction.

  18. It's 

    26 minutes ago, Guybrush Transmasc said:

    I'm glad to see people getting used to and enjoying the art style.

    It's not so much that people are getting used to it, as they are tired of getting attacked by fanatics.

    The art/animation still looks awful and cheap.


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