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  • Location
    Imperial City
  • Interests
    SW, editing
  • Occupation
    Bounty Hunter

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Mojo, this is Salv from dfmod

    I was wondering if you could do me another favour?

    Well I never managed to get the second package you uploaded, that is..the stuff you guys made. I just got the original extras package and lucky I got that. My internet is so slow where I live.

    I was wondering if you could just zip the maps files together with whatever shaders and textures you made and email it to me. It shouldnt be very big at all as map files zip really well. At any rate just the map files would be fine as I can figure out what textures you would have used. Im attenting to put a patch for the 6-level demo that includes the seventh aswell as fixes, I dont promess anything but we'll see. So anything you've done would be of great help.

    my email is s_barale@yahoo.com


    Thanks very much.

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