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Everything posted by deathdisco

  1. I have no plans at the moment.

  2. Sure, I'd like to check it out.

  3. I was just wondering if you were on the same planet you started on. If so it may be a mod conflict.

    PM is short for private message. It one of the send message options.


    Try this thread(specifically post #11) for instructions on using and enabling the cheat console. Just as an alternate way to access the planet if you can't travel there via the galaxy map.


    Backups are created in the root folder were you unpacked the mod archive. They're only there if another mod share the same files as the one being installed. The originals are saved and then the files are modified. You replace the ones in the override folder with the ones backed up when uninstalling the mod.


    Hope that helps.


  4. Did you try exiting the Ebon Hawk? Were you at the same planet you started on? I ask because there are no take off/landing cut scenes for the planet, only the hyperspace ones.


    When the mod is installed there is a 'install log' created (in the root folder where you unpacked the archive). If you PM me the contents of the install log I can take a look at it for you.


    In the mean time you can try warping there using the cheat console: warp 954cor.


  5. Looks like I'm in good company. ;)


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