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Blessèd Sith

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Status Updates posted by Blessèd Sith

  1. Lifes pretty good. Work is BUSY again. BUSY. And I did a fundraiser (for Lucy the Elephant with Zoo Check Canada) a month ago. My life is all fun and exciting XD AR is going well. I'm just busy all the time O_O

  2. I used to hate being a cook, and I liked being a Chef and then I hated that too... I was actually going to get out of the industry. But I had to keep working to pay the bills... but now I love work :D


    Life? <___< I, uh, don't really have one... One of my friends and I are plotting to spread the vegan gospel XD We're going against Breast Cancer, and instead of "find a cure", we're going for "here's a preventative so you don't have to get cancer in the first place". All those medical orgs are there for are grants and money X___X You don't get money by finding cures, because then they don't need anymore research, which means the cashflow dries up. No one makes money of healing; so anyway, yeah, I can go on tangents for hours about the corruption of the medical community and the government, but suffice it to say, we're gonna get in contact with naturalpaths and stuff, and preach healthy living for a healthy life ^___^


    And that is my life. Cooking and ARA o__O

  3. Yip, and I work my balls off ^____^ They love me and I actually (finally) love work. If you happen to be in Southern Ontario, lemme know... lol.


    And yes, Noble Bean. Best one out there.


    Oh, and I made chili fries today for special (and I'm running it tomorrow) :D They were AWESOME. Chili, guac, sour cream (we made ourselves and yes, totally vegan and yes totally DELISH), diced veggies and tomatos. SOOOO good. I had an order for dinner <___< mmm...

  4. I've worked there since it opened; I got my resume in a few weeks beforehand, when it was still in demolition. Total coincidence: I happened to be walking down the street handing out resumes. I saw the shut down restaurant, but there was a small paper in the door, so I went up on the patio. When I read that a vegan restaurant was opening there soon, my jaw hit the floor. So yeah, been there since the start (in my city -- it used to be in a different city but they moved here). Its been 2 months, so far.

    Oh, for the tempeh, get "Noble Bean", if you can. It works the best ^__^

  5. Alright, cool ^____^ And I'm not offended. Believe me, I deal with actual a$$holes who are actively ANTI vegan/animal rights, and I'm quite well versed in that ;) I just wanted to make sure you actually understood, because most people are completely in the dark o__o And I'm glad you've learned stuff :D


    Too bad you can't come to the restaurant; its in southern ontario. However, you can make some of the food on your own. The wings and chicken caesar are easiest: they're actually easier than using "real" chicken.

  6. (MASSIVE multiple posts, sorry, but please don’t hate and read them o_o)

    I hate the opinion excuse, I really do.


    Actually, you get vCJD (Creutzfelt) if you eat just one prion. All it takes is one infected piece of meat; one burger can do it. (A prion is a mutated protein; you cannot destroy them). The amount you eat has nothing to do with it. And you don't know whether it was vCJD or Alzheimers until AFTER death, when they dissect the brain. (In fact, there's a contingent that says that they're the same disease, and Alzheimers *is* BSE)


    If you are a carnivorous omnivore, that means you're an obligate omnivore, which means you're a) a feline or b) have a digestive tract 1/3 that of a human c) have an acidic body rather than alkaline [alkaline is human] and d) will only eat meat. No bun for your burger, no cookies, no chips, no french fries, etc., etc.

  7. I DON'T want to sound like a bitch, but I won't stay silent when something needs to be said. (I'm not preaching, but I want *my* side of the story explained, and why I feel and think the way I do and I hope you at least understand why). I'm trying to be as neutral as possible when I say: if "it tastes good" is a permissible reasoning, what other "good" reasonings may we give for our actions? Feels good? I wanted to? I like it? Why stop there? Why not bring back slavery because "it's easier"?


    It only counts as an opinion when all those involved have their invested interest weighed. You've only looked at what you want, not the animal. Thus, it is not an opinion, but oppression. Is cannibalism permissible for the reason that human flesh tastes good (according to history, human flesh tastes better than animal)? If I say that I'm of the state of mind that rotting human flesh (humans ARE animals) tastes good under certain conditions, like cooked, does that make it ethical?

  8. Cooking the meat doesn't change the fact that it is rotting. And because our digestive tracts are so long, guess what happens when its sitting in your body, being processed? Yeah, its STILL rotting.


    Now, for the actual food: I can duplicate nearly everything. At work, my specials have been:


    "Chicken" wings (spicy, mild, smokey mustard, "honey" garlic -- I'm not running them at the moment, but a table tonight begged me to do a special order of wings for them)

    Seared "salmon" on fresh organic asparagus, potato pancakes and apple compote, with corriander drizzle.

    Sauteed asparagus and "pork" on apple-potato gratin bake, with parsley oil. (I had left over compote and used it up ^___^)

    "Chicken" caesar sandwich.

    And the steak.

  9. The chicken caesar is easy. You just need to make vegan caesar (blend soft tofu, nutritional yeast, salt and pepper, 2-3 tbsp capers, a whole lotta garlic and mustard. Then blend with canola oil. Just like actual caesar. As for the chicken strips, all you have to do is get tempeh and cut it into strips and bred it like you would chicken fingers (I like using beer batter [tbsp yeast and bottle of beer together; add tonic water, flour, tumeric and paprika; mix until gloopy and it should still have chunks. Let sit until it starts getting bubbly -- then its good] to coat them, then rolling them in panko [japanese bread crumb]. Toast some whole grain bread, put some avocado on one slice, butter on the other, put the fried "chicken" on the avocado, slather with caesar, top with tomato and put the buttered bread on top and EAT. So good. And you aren't getting all the feces and ARSENIC that's in chicken.)


    The steak... I dunno if I'm willing to give THAT one up. It tastes like steak.

  10. What most people seem to forget is that you aren't tasting "meat". You are tasting the cooking, you are tasting the seasoning, and you are tasting the sauce (like you said, it tastes good cooked. What if you can get the same TASTE without the flesh? Isn't that what -- you yourself -- have said you want?). That's what REALLY got my dad when he became vegan. That it all tasted the same, because it all IS the same. He's getting the same sauces, the same foods, everything; just without the meat. All the same tastes are there. And if you have your meat bloody, well, you're tasting iron, which can be duplicated (as I do with the steak, but I won't give away how).


    I was off red meat for 9 years before I became vegan (I still ate chicken and fish during that time), but just before I became vegan, I decided to "return to meat" for my career. And I was so digusted by what I was tasting, I think it traumatised me. Steak tastes like chewing on chainlink fences.

  11. Food is my life. Rather than having a beef burger, why not get veggie burgers? No Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, no cholesterol, no torture, etc (and how do you get healthy eating the rotting flesh of diseased animals, anyway? Meat enters the "food chain" only after its been given its alloted time to "age", which is to say, rot - and that, friends, I learned in college). Anyway, I made vegan steak as a special at work today, with mashed potatos and fiddleheads, and I made a whiskey-peppercorn cream demi-glace. We're still doing the "chicken" caesar sandwich. Sooo good (and yes, EVERYTHING is entirely vegan).

  12. Exercise won't get rid of prions ;)

  13. Veggie burgers exist... they aren't pretend o_O Personally, I don't consider cholesterol, sodium, e.coli0157, listeria, worms, BSE, growth hormones, saturated fat, etc., to be "real burger".

  14. What's wrong with veggie burgers and tofudogs? I ate them over "burgers" and "hot dogs" even when I consumed dead flesh, because they taste better and are far healthier.

  15. Tired. I work and take care of my fur-sons and I should actually have them out but its raining and I want some me-time and I think I might make some tofudogs... or maybe one of my veggie burgers...

  16. Dream jobs can take quite awhile to obtain... I'm heading into 5 years in kitchens... I've only just got my dream job ;)


    It is fun! I get to run the line :D I LOVE being in control ^__^

  17. I'm a Chef. I work at a vegan restaurant that just opened up in town. We're CONSTANTLY busy x_x I love it though.

  18. Sorry... but my soul has been consumed by work... last week was a 60 hour week.. this week looks to be about 50... (but that's good! because I make NOTHING, so I *need* hours... I actually have to be up in 4 hours to get to work in the morning... I just got home and walked the dogs, too ... <_<) And I feel guilty over just up and leaving and abandoning you guys...

  19. I'm a Chef. I need something in a kitchen ... but i have to actually print off my resumes (and my printer isn't up and working yet... but my parents is <_<) and go around to restaurants and demand a job :D

  20. I have bills to pay <__<;

  21. Still don't have a job o_o;

  22. About to go to my parents. My step mom quit her one job; they were ****ed. So we went out to lunch and I was like "eff them. They're whack" and she was like "yeah, I know, I was going to give it another week like I told them... ah **** it! I quit" so she called me when I was driving back to my place and was like "you may as well come over now" XP So I is :p

  23. Really good whole wheat bread (has rye and sourdough in it); organic and vegan. With vegan butter and mayo, vegan american cheese, tofurkey slices, tomato and crushed pepper, cucumber and organic mustard. Had some chips with it :p Then I had some pakoras (indian veggie dumpling-like things) with some rice chip nachos. DELISH

  24. I'm so sorry!! :( Brutal. Haveta still get a ****ing job >_<!! Making lunch right now. STARVING. Then I have to feed my boys and take them out for another walk. Already did some cleaning and just had a shower. I feel alone, so I might see if my parents will have me over. I'll help with dinner o_o; I just want out of the house ><

  25. Im sorry! Omgs I'm so sorry, but I've been getting ready to move!! Just pretend that my character is there; I'll have internet back on wednesday when I'm in my new place. I'll post -- it's just that lately I've been waaaaay to muddled in the head and stressed to even think about posting! I'm sorry u___u

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