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Blessèd Sith

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Status Updates posted by Blessèd Sith

  1. It was nasty. I was bedridden yesterday. And I woke up after a few hours last night of sleeping swimming in sweat. Which is good, because I sweated the worst of it out, it just... wasn't very pleasant.


    Gotta go to work. Ttyl!!

  2. I was at my parents and I got sick -____- I'm still getting over it.


    Don't be mad at me for not posting >___<!

  3. No >_< It sucks >_<

  4. True. BAH! Don't want to finish packing and cleaning >__<!

  5. *sighs* I'm never moving again >_<

  6. Well, I have my cable/internet cancelled, and I have my movers coming, and I have the elevator schedules -- now I just need the elevator HERE scheduled, I need to call rogers and get internet for my apartment, call insurance, clean the apartment, and force my ex-roommate to get rid of the rest of her ****. Or I'm chucking all of it >__<

  7. Moving and finding a new job are really stressful >____<!

  8. BAAAAH trying to get ready to move -_- I really hate going into work late, because by the time I need to go in, I'm all like *sleepy*.

  9. I'll change his mind. Or I'll beat him up XP

  10. I never stabbed you! You wrote that part! I only wrote my intent to stab you, and that I was trying to take out your legs. It was up to you to say whether I succeeded in taking you out and tackling you to the ground. Then I would have tried to stab you, and then you would have had to have it succeed (which you did o_O) or you would have had your charrie avoid it somehow and then I would have to react to that, and then you would probably try to hurt me, and then I would say whether I was hurt, how badly, or that I dodged, etc. o____o; But yes, I'm sure you've seen better days. Don't worry... you'll have pretty Jedis interrogating you XDD

  11. I wasn't expecting her to get hurt so quickly. But I rallied.

  12. We're Jedi. We can do healing ;) I just posted.

  13. I find that stabbing people in the throat is a good way to put them out of comission o_o; But that's just me ^____^

  14. Twas delish. Bagel with garlic herb vegan cream cheese and tomato slices on top ^___^ Yummers. And we shall indeed meet in combat, and I shall win XD

  15. Fine. Just eatin' breakfast ^___^ And Im gonna be quite a match for you, misser assassin ~__^

  16. What, for the italics? I write, so I have my own specific rules. I never start two sentences in a row with the same word, I never use the same descriptor or its root word within the same paragraph (or more), and there are two types of thinking: narrative or meta thinking, and internal dialogue thinking.


    I'll give you an example of both types of "thinking":


    This wasn't good; she was freaking out and there was nothing she could do to help. What was there? There was no where to run. This was bad, she couldn't stop the thoughts in her head, so very, very bad.

    What do I do now?

    /end example.


    I'm nitpicky XP

  17. Lols, I spent years rping here. I know the laws. But um... as for the italics, unless its a direct character thought (as in, internal dialogue), I don't italicise. So if its narrative thought, its not in italics.

  18. Lol, did I do okay?

  19. I just didn't even know if we were all in the same area, rofl ^___~ Now I'm good.

  20. Hey guys... Yeah, I'm a former Sith. Went to the Jedi about a year ago, maybe. I <3 Mandos ^____^ I'm trying to learn Mando'a, in my spare time. But my Jedi charrie is a forever Jedi.

    Anyway, as for the RP, guys, I'm totally lost as to where I should jump in. You guys are blasting away at each other, and I come back and read what's going on and I'm like O______O! WTF do I do now?!?!? Lolz. Advice?

  21. So what are you? Mando? Your charrie is just "human"... but your avatar is clone-ish.

  22. Lols. I'm fine, you?

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