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On a side note I believe you to be the type (far above that of the average person) to appreciate Dilbert. I have not watched the cartoon much, but I did read the "Dilbert Principle" some time back.
[Query]: Have you read anything of the dilbert principle? I think it is rather profound in its analysis of human nature and thought. Paraphrase:"we would like to believe we think things through before we make a decision...reality is, we don't." While I don't strictly agree with this, it would explain a lot of amusement I have come to glean from stupidity. Which is precisely why I like being a jackass... sometimes.
Also, no matter what, we are all idiots in some way. It's simply unavoidable. So when somebody calls me an idiot, I just simply laugh. They have no idea how true it is of me, and of themself!!!
[Musing]:The kicker is that the humorous side of its material is totally based off of the ridiculousness of reality. Those bizarre cubicle stories...