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  • Biography
    Peter pan/Michael Palin/Ray Mears/Guybrush
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    Most places
  • Interests
    Travel, Outdoorsey stuff, Teaching kids about the environment, Archery, Culture.
  • Occupation
    Outdoor and Environmental tutor
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  1. Freezing and ScummVM crashing? I would attach a gdb to see where it crashes, but I don't know if you're able to do that, sorry.


    I have no clue at all about Mac OS X either; I'm a GNU/Linux zealot. :p


    In general, ScummVM doesn't do fullscreen itself. It uses a library called SDL for graphics output, i.e. anything having to do with putting the graphics it prepared onto your physical screen. So ScummVM just says "SDL, fullscreen this for me", and SDL manages everything.


    In either case, you'd probably want to file a bug report. See this page for (some) details: http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/User_Manual/Reporting_bugs . Also check if the problem is also in latest daily build ( http://buildbot.scummvm.org/builds.html ), though I don't think we changed anything regarding SDL lately; I'm assuming you already run the latest stable version.

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