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Darth InSidious

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    Holowan Labs
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    Faction Paradox
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    KotOR II
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    time cone isometry
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  1. No, it actually isn't because you can't see me before you since I am from Internet. >:|


    Was your trip good? Did you find many pieces of dead people? Were there mummies? I think it would be pretty freaky if the mummies got up and went all "OMNOMNOM!" on your archaeologist friends. I suppose that hasn't happened though, since it wasn't in the newspapers. Did you find pottery bits? My mum did archeology, you know. She investigated American Indians, however. Mostly she just found trash heaps! Have you found trash heaps? It would be sweet if you found a trash heap but it was really a tomb DISGUISED as a trash heap! Wow, that would be pretty awesome. Dig dig dig dig dig TADAA!


    Darathy the victorious!




    Sorry! I got carried away a little! Anyways: if I am WRONG on a subject, Darathy, then you should quote me so that I know that I'm so wrong you can fit a hippopotamus in between the RIGHT way and the MY way! I would enjoy that more, yes I would. Hippos are pretty sweet. Of course the subject I am speaking of is RE: corinthian's statements about you catholics loving works only.


    Also there's something strange about those Aquinas recordings, I believe they were vandalized or something since it suddenly became quite hard to take seriously on the "ESSENCE OR..." something track. I think it was the sixth one. The narrator kept transposing "girl" for God! So strange!

    I would like your opinion on this. Otherwise it was very AQUINASian. I noticed a part where he was demonstrating a property of God by quoting a "praise" passage from the bible (if you remember I told you about the praise passages in relation to the ontological argument, cf bouwsma) - I am none too sure of that being such a good idea! I can't remember where it was exactly, but I'll look it up for you later.


    DEVILS, Darathy! Have you read "The Screwtape Letters"? You would like them, I think. Not devils, the letters! It mainly consists of devils trying various ways to tempt a recent convert into being EVIL. Interesting!


    Adeiu! I think I've written the longest profile message EVAR TO EXIST. I'm quite proud of this fact. :D

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