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Darth InSidious

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    Holowan Labs
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    Faction Paradox
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    KotOR II
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    time cone isometry
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  1. Surely not! :D


    Grr, Darathy. I'm reading a bit of a book by Steven Pinker - "The Language Instinct" - and he just ravaged a bit of W in it.


    Philosophers argue that since animals lack language, they must also lack consciousness-- Wittgenstein wrote, "A dog could not have the thought 'perhaps it will rain tomorrow'"--and therefore they do not possess the rights of conscious beings. [p56, The Language Instinct]


    I'm not really sure how it's possible to misconstrue W so badly that you end up with the above sentence unless you're just quote-mining. But you'd expect a "leading linguist" to actually, well, read linguistic philosophy...

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