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Personal Information

  • Biography
    What do ya want to know?
  • Location
    The lower levels of Taris
  • Interests
    Gaming, Reading, Pool, Listening to music and Hanging out with my mates
  • Current Game
    Uncharted 2
  • Web Browser
    Internet Explorer
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, Knights of the Old Republic or Republic Commando.
  • Resolution

Contact Information

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Bomberman65's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



Single Status Update

See all updates by Bomberman65

  1. Hey, dude. How've you been?


    Me, I've more less been: sick, then snowed in, now trying to find a job with no idea what the heck I'm doing. Not always in that order... :D


    DFMod is slow. I have a finished build of detention center and ramses hed and we're right now trying to work out the bugs and do beta testing. I've also recently welcomed a new mapper to the fold, to do work on the Executor level, so we're making fairly good progress. Unfortunately, I can't seem to update the news page. It's always something...

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