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In the swamp on corellia


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I found something strange their. It is a little hard to explain. All though the swamp their is these rock's that are real high almost like a pole ( for lack of better word's ) that have water coming down falling from them like a water fall. While I was exploreing the swamp I seen about 30 of these, but I found four that had a black box on top with a red ? on the side's. On two side ? are right and on the other two side's they are upside down. I have yet to find a way up to the boxes and I can not target them. Out of all I seen I only seen four that have them boxes. Has anyone else seen this, or have any idea what they are about. It is in the middle of the swamp, and I do not think they where put their just for you to look at. I will be going back their later this morning with some friend's to see if we can not figure this out. If i find out anything else about this then I will post it.

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you talking about the agrilat swamps, right? I was there the other day. That place is amazing im sure because I have my graphics turned all the way down and it looks cool. My friend has a really good graphics card though and he said it was too foggy. I never saw anything on top of the formations. I know which ones you are talking about they have water coming off them. Some of the big ones have like 16 different waterfalls on them, like 4 on each side if I remember correctly. And I know there is a big P vs E battlefield out there. My friend and I got in there, it is rebel only, and all these missions came up. We ran around a few seconds and it automatically threw us out and we could not get back in? let us know if you find out anything else;)

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