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shader or water problem


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Ok, I am running JK2radiant, creating an MP map... I got the water to work using the suggested method by Wedge (Thanks man) by creating my own no draw_water shader.... I have a little outdoor area with a stream running through it. Whenever I go for a swim and look up at the sky, I can see CLEAR through my map... I can see other rooms that I have created on the other side of the sky shader..... I have tried putting a brush over top of the room, but it doesnt help.... This is the very last thing I need to fix before I release my map, and I cant seem to figure out how to fix it...


Yours truly tearing his hair out,


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The problem is that the skybox is always the thing that is drawn furthest away. So despite the orientation of the brush with the skybox on it, if you've got other brushes above it, you're going to see them. Reposition the rooms so that they're not going to be seen through the skybox (put them to the side, maybe?).

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According to LucasArts, he's correct. No "porting" required. Just copy the pk3 over to the JA folder (presumably it will be 'base' again).


Of course, I doubt they'll have all the textures from JK2 in JA, so you may have to include any JK2 textures you used as well.

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