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Umm lets see SWG would cost me 800$


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well not 800$ directly but im so hyped bout this game, The only way I can get it is to make a 800$ pc upgrade. but I feel so desprete to have this game, please explain i ndetail what makes this game so great. I know you think Im crazy for upgrading for a game but this seariously looks like the rpg evoultion.

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I built mine for under 550$, but I did use my old HDD, CD and CD-R drives.


Athlon XP 2100 @ 2.1gig, EPOX 8rda+ N-Force 2 board, 1024megs 2700 ram,Win XP Pro, GF4 4200 128 meg, generic (shiny black!) case with 3 case fans(2 side), 450 watt PS


First comp. I have built myself and I'm damn proud of it. MUCH easier than I thought it'd be.

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Vydo (sp?) if you were truly able to update your system with that hardware for under 550 bucks, I'd like to know where you buy your RAM..... That much of that type of DDR Ram, even OEM (which I wouldn't recommend on RAM) is 175 bucks on the cheap. CHEAP. I would like to upgrade to a Gig of Ram (from 512) and would like a cheap place to buy it... if they're reputable.

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i also built my forst computer for this game, it has a gf4 ti4200 , 512 DDR, soon to be 1024....i have a new gamers case and a green neon for looks, lol...P4 2.0 and an MSI mobo, win xp.....i also used my old hard drive and cd, cdrw drives...it came out to be about 500$....http://www.pricewatch.com has some good RAM cheap too...like 60$ for 512DDR 2700.....all of those looking to upgrade if u don't already, go look at pricewatch.

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