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Nar Shaddaa Starpad Fuel Switch Location


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I'm stuck trying to find the fuel switch to turn on the pumps. I have the JK2 Strategy guide book , which lists this as step 8

right before you match the codes. The location seems to be just outside the hangar right behind the Lady Luck , but all I can see

are floors and walls! Is this at a different height level than the Lady Luck? The ONLY things I can find are:

1) a red switch in the Lady Luck's cockpit opposite where Lando is waiting , which I think may be for the guns later on.

2) A small unit under one wing of the Lady Luck which has no controls or switches that I can see.


There is a connecting walk opposite the back side of the LL that leads to the building where you turn the switch on that opened

the hangar doors , but it is still blue. I also looked over the place where you input the codes , but I can't find any other switches there either.

I have already done the 2 side rooms

Also , when I got to this level on a previous install , I coudn't

find my way through the dark room and noclipped through , after

which JK2 would not update mission goals as being complete ,

(roof section- Roof was open , yet game said goal wasn't done)

Does this level "dislike" noclipping ?

Thanks very much for putting up with my super-long post,


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Look at the two fuel hoses connected to the ship. There is an

icon on each block...a yellow one for the blue hose, and a blue one for

the red hose. Study these icons, and then head outside the hangar.

Remember when you first saw the hangar from the outside, and there were

those two big pipes leading into it? That's where you need to go now.

Take the walkway around the hangar's perimeter (either way will get you

there). You should see the large fuel tank right by the hangar, and it

has two panels on top. Jump up on the pipes and change the two icons on

the display until they match the ones you just saw by the hoses. once

you get them set, Lando lets you know that the ship is set. Jump down

from the fuel tank and follow the walkway back to the hangar entrance.

Go back up in the ship to Lando, where you'll see a cutscene of Reelo

and his thugs starting to fire on the ship. Lando tells you to use the

gun to take them out. The button for it is on the wall to your left.

It's pretty easy to finish them off, and once you're done, the ship can

take off. Watch the cutscene and you're off to level 11.

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I have set the two codes , the yellow "k" on the right and the

gray split "o" on the left at the place where you input the codes;

Still nothing works. I suspect the fuel switch to turn the pumps on

in the Versus Books Guide was removed in the actual game. In the game , you only have to open the roof sections (successfully done) and input the codes. I have set the codes according to the book - and NOTHING happens!

Thanks , Jeff

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Does it matter at all which side roof switch room you go to first?

Some walkthrough's say go to the Force Push Crate first ,

others say do the yellow crates first.

Also , I have been having game freezes where the motherboard

starts to beep strangely , then I have about 5 to 7 seconds to exit

until it freezes up. The beeps are long , wavering , sputtering beeps. I get 2 or 3 of these , then everything is frozen solid.


My System:

AMD Athlon 1.33 Ghz

Asus A7V - 133C mobo

MSI GeForceFX 5600 128MB TD-128 (NEW)

512 mb Sdram memory

Win98 SE

DirectX 9.0 + (something >9.0 )

Creative SB Live Series X-Gamer 5.1

I think I have the 1.03 patched version;

I intend to install the 1.04 patch later today


Sorry I put this here instead of the tech help forum

Thanks VERY much ,


Jackson , Ohio

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