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Demo: Hilts & Saber Problems/issues


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I've played the Demo and loved it - however I have some questions. First WHERE IS THE RED COLOUR for a Saber???? Second, When you choose Dual Sabers or Double-bladed - your automatically given the "Fast Style" for Single saber attacks.... Can you not choose medium or Strong? To Clearify the point.... When you select say "double-bladed" saber - you can retract 1 blade (a la Darth Maul in Ep1 on Tatooine) - now when you fight with only one blade active it is in the "Fast Style" - Can you change it so that when you retract a saber or blade that your single style is medium or Strong?


Also - Where is the Zabrak Male, Twe'Liek Male, Rodian Female, Kel Dor Female???? Shouldn't there be a male and female of each species?


I hope there are a lot more HEADS and TORSO's to choose from when the full version comes along....(also hilts) - 3 different heads for the male human seems kind of weak.

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Due to some George Lucas like thinking, Red was portrayed in the Star Wars universe as being strictly a dark side colored saber. Now whether or not it will be available in the retail is hard to say, but from the beginning of the game, there is a 99% chance that it wont be available during the inital character creation. I think it was due to licensing conflictions to the reason why the Zabrak male could not be made readily available by RAVEN, however, whats to stop the mod community from making it for us. Also, have you ever seen what Kel'Dor Female, a Twi'lek male, or Rodian Female looks like. Unless they were present in ROTJ in Jabba's Palace, which I think only possibly a female Rodian was, then I cant say I know what they look like so I wouldn't even begin to think on how they would be modeled.

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You can see Twe'Liek males in many Star Wars games (Knights of the Old Republic comes to mind) and Rodian Female - yes was in ROTJ. We've also seen a type of Zabrak male in Ep1/2 Darth Maul and one of the Jedi council members. I DON"T REMEMBER SEEING A ZABRAK FEMALE BEFORE - BUT THEY CREATED THAT. I just don't see the difficulty in making models for such characters since it's been done before. The only female version we havn't seen (at least to my knowledge) is a Kel Dor female - but it would seem stupid for Lucas Arts to deny a game developer from creating a female of the species or create a basic outline for them.


I don't know - it just seems like... unfinished.. or missing you can choose a human male and female, but one sex of any other species seems limited and just stupid. I guess we will have to wait for the mods or patches....

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