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Exploit or just smart tactics?


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I'm wondering around Bestine last night when I notice a rebel on my screen. I send my pets in on him and I proceed after to kill him. The person runs around a corner into this one spot. This causes my pets to run in an opposite direction, I'm guessing because of bad pathing. Now I've seen this happen to me twice. They take pets out of the equation by running into areas that are known for poor pathing.


Now is that an exploit or just smart tactics on their part?


That didn't upset me at all. What upset me was he incapped me and didn't DB me. Instead he waited for me to get back up and incap me again. By this time my pets had returned and incapped him after he did this to me a second time. Now he recovered before me and then DB'd me. Don't waste my time, if you beat me kill me already, don't take another 5 minutes from my life for no reason. :p

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yeah, pretty much a grey area, but from a REALISTIC perspective is that yeah, it's an exploit. You're usng something that isn't supposed to happen to your advantage. That's an exploit.


and GOD do i hate people that have nothing better to do than cat and mouse you. the simple fact that they do it shows that they know they cant beat you any other way.

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