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What settings do you want in seige mod?


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we all know that there is an echo base level, with plenty of talk about speeders and a possible mod in stormhammer's seige thread


what other locations do you want to see. heres my top picks


pit of carkoon - just imagine, bounty hunters and mercs taking on luke and the gang in a race against time to escape jabbas barge.


genosis arena - a team of jedi taking on battle droids and of course jango....you have to hold on or possiblilty hold a base until yoda and company arrives


battle of genosis- clone troopers and a droid army, need i say more


and my last one, i dont know if anybody has read the "tales of the jedi" series, but the last battle against the sith and exar kun would make a great siege map.


of course most of this is just wishful thinking, but in the hands of capable modders......who knows

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Good ideas. ;)


The 'Pit of Carkoon' or Jabba's sail barge scene was discussed at length quite a while ago by some of the long-term regulars here, including me. So I think there's a lot of feeling that this should be made as a proper, detailed, quality mod. Either as a 'recreation' of the movie scene, or in more general terms with one team aboard skiffs, trying to board a speeding sail barge to carry out an objective (like a rescue or simply destruction of the barge). So this particular idea gets my vote. ;)


As you mentioned, I'd also like to see a full-scale Battle of Hoth Siege map. We don't yet know the exact configuration and detail of Raven's MP version...but we do know they've also done an SP version of Hoth, and used a lot of reference materials from the movies to get the details correct. I'm wondering if the SP version is more detailed, and might be used in MP with some tweaking.


I wouldn't mind seeing a Stormtrooper vs Jawa map, based on the attack of the Jawa sandcrawler in ANH. We never see the actual attack in the film...but I think it would make an interesting scenario to have the Jawas defending their 'mobile home' from attack against the Imperial forces, particularly if dewbacks were to feature somewhere.


The ground battle on Endor might also be interesting, with the inclusion of the Imperials speeder bikes, AT-STs, with one team commanding the rebels in an effort to disable the shield generator, while the Imperials defend. I'm not so fussed on the Ewoks, to be honest...


As you can see...I'm more of a Classic Trilogy kind of person... :D

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Yeah OT kicks ass


Good ideas carkoon would be fun

and the endor battle would just be rocking if done right (was my idea)


one very good idea i have is not exactly true in books


but an imperial palace siege or TKOTH or something would be kool


where dark jedi battle jedi for control of the center of the republic, would mostly be indoors how hard/cool would that be?

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im definitely liking the jawa vs stormtrooper idea, id be laughing the entire time playing it, but it would be fun



i had forgotten about the battle of endor, perfect seige scenario.


if anybody wanted to recreate a SP scene from JO, someone could make the "invasion of the academy" a team of jedi repelling desanns reborn and shadowtroopers. since we only see this from kyles perspective

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A cool siege level I thought of is a Jabba-like crime lord repelling an imperial attack on his/its palace. The crime lords 'army' could be made up of mercenaries and bounty hunters and they could use speeders and ride rancors. The imperials obviously have various stormtroopers and would have speeders and AT-STs. The objective of the imperials would basically be to fight all the way to the central chamber where the crime lord is and the objective of the crime lord’s troops would be to hold them off for a certain amount of time. I imagine the palace looking somewhat like Jabbas palace and in a similar location on Tatooine (although perhaps in more of a canyon...).

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how bout a whole new gametype... teamduel..


Well if you keep modding Duel/Power Duel to have more and more people what you end up with is Saber Only Team FFA.


Think about it. ; )


Of course in the "Attack on the Academy" scenario you could make actual objectives (like securing certain areas or killing Luke or something for the attacking team, and repulsing the attackers for a certain amount of time for the defenders).


Although remember that the battle was not just Shadow Troopers and Reborns vs. Academy Students and Kyle/Luke. There were Imps involved (and a few Republic Commandos too if I'm not mistaken, although the primary Republic Force was in space and in the air, not on the ground). Also I guess on the Academy they could spawn swarms of Seeker Remotes to attack the invaders. ; )

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