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Melee Paradox


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Well heres how it goes... My character Ryxx Zan'Tar on the Stardsider server is lost.


My character's skills so far are:



Exploration I-IV

Hunting I-IV

Survival I-IV



Dance I-III

Entertainmen Heal I-IV



Unarmed I-IV (Just got IV today)

Two Hand I-IV



Rifle I-IV

Pistol I-IV

Ranged Support I-IV



Almost Novice



One box somewhere



Intermediate Sword Techniques

Advanced Sword Something? The one that gives head hit 2 and 3


Squad Leader:

Tactics I

Leadership I-III


I want to go to Master Squad Leader, And through the whole Underworld tree in Smuggler(which I may drop later). I am probablly going to drop rifleman and rilfe skills and Entertainer skills.


I just can't decide on whether I should go up Swordsman or not. I want to make my character into a tank, basically barely taking any damage using full marine armor and composite helm but still dealing descent damage in melee and being able to use some of the specail group moves for Squad Leader. Time isn't really an issue for skill gaining I would just rather have my character focused so I know I'm heading in the right direction.



Teras Kasi Artist seems tempting but right now at Unarmed IV I can barely do 200 damage. And with my swordsman and my 1.8 64-244 or my 5.5 131-587 Sword and Power Hammer I can deal really damage of 250-1000 with a normal hit or almost three times that with my power hammer.


Getting the Unarmed exp for IV was extremely frustrating and took me a good 5 days of 6 hour days at least of nonstop exp grinding while Pistol IV was done in 3-4 hours (go vir vur).


Sorry for the super-long post... I have talked to both TKA masters and Heavy Swordsman Masters and both say it was worth the ride.


Anyway anyone have any answers for my tank paradox? Which do you think is better tank TKA or Swordsman?


Thanks for your time =]



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