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fightfightfight - SamFisher (SamFisher) vs. Wanderer (Wanderer)


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Spreading his arms in a fit of rage, Wanderer casts Focus Beam on SamFisher, but fails to do any damage. Focus Beam cost 15 MA to cast.
Wanderer blasts:

I'll be online again later this day. If this is too long for you plz ask mod to cancel, but I'd really like to go on :) Have to go to work...

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Wanderer tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt SamFisher 25 points of damage.
Wanderer blasts:

saw you online...maybe we can finish this fight....of course you'll slay me but I guess we are few to battle right? :) we should found a guild for battle hack :D

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