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SWG in uk

Super Squirrel

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Guest DarthMaulUK

There's various ways to get the game. If you are in the UK, check http://www.ebay.co.uk and do a search for Star Wars Galaxies - thats how I got my copy.


Always check that the person you are ordering from has good feedback (anything over 20 positive ). I use ebay alot and only ever had one problem in 3 years.


But really, I suggest you wait until all the major problems are sorted out.



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Well i originally won a copy on ebay and have paid the dude but he hasnt rpelied some of my emails and i havent heard from him for 4 days now. So i am going to be reporting him and hopfully getting my money back.


I ordered a copy for £40 from http://www.gameplay.com and its gonna be here 2moro so thats all gd.


But the dude on ebay has peed me off big time!!!

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