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PC Gamer JA Article (kinda big spoilers)

Lord Glorfindel

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In the latest issue of PC Gamer (the cover with Gordon Freeman and the dude from Halo (I think its Halo) are back to back) well anyway inside there is a article about all of the new shooters coming out in the coming months, well JA was amongst them, and in the article they talked about how this game is much better then then its former, and talked about the new siege mode, but nothing we haven't heard before, and other things, but (read spoilers below)








what caught my eye was how they talked about the new ridable vehicles, and it said how they had saw in a demo, a Bantha!!!!! That you could ride!!!! or fight, I can't remember cause I was in a hurry, plus I didn't have enough money to buy the mag, but the important thing is a BANTHA will be in the game!!!!


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And another thing There was a full two page ad in PC gamer for Jedi Academy with a JA bookmark, but the ad didn't have any gameplay screens, but was just the box art with a few cool sentences I can't remember them all, but the first two were



You will not leave these halls as you entered them, and everything you learned you will unlearn (or something along those lines)


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