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i need help on GCN Version single player*SPOLIERS*


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Ok first, this is the wrong forum, you might wanna check the JO forum for this..


however, if I remember correctly... it's benn a long time... so what you have to do is go through the door near the back of landos' ship, and then go left. You should come across a very large tank to the left, you have to get on top of it and then you'll have to match some designs (you can see them on the big pipes besides lando's ship). after that you're good to go...

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Notice the symbols on the red and blue fuel pumps next to Lando's ship and remember them. Go out the hangar door at the rear of Lando's ship and turn left. At the corner there is this structure with big pipes going to a large fuel tank. Jump on top of the structure and you'll find the controls for the red and blue fuel pumps. Cycle through the symbols until you have the correct ones for each pump.

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