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puzzles relative to JO

Darth Talliusc

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just a thought. but if we are allowed to pick our own force powers in the manner that was shown in the demo (i dont have the full game yet due to EB's laziness and screwups) then what will this do to in level puzzles?


in outcast you needed a certain level force speed or force jump to continue through certain areas. but if we pick our own then how will we overcome these obstacles? will the level change itself according to our force jump/speed etc level? or worse yet will all obstacles be bypassable with lvl 1 force speed/jump?


i suppose its possible that it gives you these force powers IF/when they are needed. i dont really know.


im not asking anybody to spoil the game for us, but i would very much appreciate if somebody who knows this game to some degree would answer this question for me. *true i could wait until tomorrow/thursday when i should get my own copy but i want to know now*


oh and for the missions where you dont get dropped off by kyle (im assuming hes not your personal chauffeur) does "Jaden" get his/her own ship to fly in? *hopes for an x-wing or Tie interceptor*

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