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Stuck in Ancient Ruins in JA *spoiler*


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I've been playing fast paced, nonstop and I'm stuck in the level called kor2,



where you have to navigate the Ancient ruins to enter the Tomb of Ragnos to get to Tavian.


I've descended from the temple, adn run left, speedjumped over teh chasm adn tilted the pillar there and killed the two jedi on the other side, but am now stuck. I can see an opening on teh side of the pyramid ahead, but can't reach it, nor when I drop down in the hole below.


I tried to forse sense for signs but none there. It feels like I have been around everywhere I can be, lookign for things to jump up on, force pull or push and whatever, but no luck.


Has anyone cleared that place and gotten into the Tomb yet who can give me a pointer what I've overlooked please?



Thanks for any hints/tips in advance. :)

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Are you already out of the hole? Did you find the subterraneous way? For your information, there is no location where it is necessery to use force sense or push/pull. You just have to enter the pyramide standing left to the imperials/ Lancet shuttles.

(there are two pyramides, one with some powerups, and the one you have to enter)

Hope i could help you

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