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Ded. server on FreeBSD


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Hi guyz,


I have installed the dedicated server on some FreeBSD boxes - but it fails to load.


On 4.8 it will do absolutely nothing - it only uses all available CPU.


On 4.5 it will load half the way - it stops just after this:

------- Game Initialization -------

gamename: basejk

gamedate: Sep 9 2003

...and uses all available CPU.


The files are not corrupted or anything missing - I have tested them succesfully on a RH8 box.


My boxes are running JK2, Q2, Q3 and ET successfully - anyone has a tip on what I might try ?


Thanx in advance.

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Did you recompile the server from source? If not... linux != bsd and binaries compiled for linux arent going to automagically run. There is a program that DOES do it though, I forget the name though, since I dont actually use BSD. For some reason I'm thinking 'elf' but thats not it.

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