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The Official 'Help with Dosuun' (Captured) thread


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Firstly, it's not a laser canon...it's a concussion rifle.


Secondly - you need to basically get up to his level to have a better chance of taking him down. To do that you must jump up to each platform level.


Now, the trick to this level is to use your Force powers a bit more. Use Force Seeing to keep an eye on him as he runs around, so you can basically hide from him - stay on the same side of the room that he runs, so he can't shoot at you.


Also, if you can't find cover quickly enough and he starts shooting at you, use Force speed. If you are really quick, you might be able to use Force Push to send his blasts back at him.


There are one or two places in the chamber where you should be able to get completely out of his line of fire, and take a breather. Use Force Healing, if you have it, to get back up to 100% health.


Then you need to get up to the highest level using some pipes etc., (which is on the left at the top, when you first enter the chamber). Use Force speed and close in on him, and keep moving around him as you take him down.


It is tough...but you can do it.


Good luck. ;)

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That mission was surprisingly easy.

When I was watching the cut scene I thought "oh man, I'm gonna have to do this again and again before I get it right..." but as it turns out, the boss guy more or less leaves you alone.

I thought he'd be shooting at you whenever you were outside.


Here's a tip for the last part of the mission.

When you go through the big blast doors, and you see the cut scene and you get ready to try and kill him, run to the left towards a shield regen(use it if you want)


He'll then run around up at the top like a mad dog and it takes him ages to get into a position where he can actually shoot you.

Use force sense so that you know where he is, and sit there with your sniper rifle out. A few fully charged blasts to the head should do the trick.


That's the easy way to get him whenever you fight him, btw. Hide behind something, and just move until his head is showing over something and you can shoot without him shooting back.


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This is just another add-on regarding Remirol's tip. Once you enter the room, along the right side of the room is a lift. Take it up, into a room, i think, midway up the wall. From here you have a protected position with which to fire at Rax. He'll probably occasionally hit you but like Remirol said with several shots he'll just be a bad memory. This is a much easier alternative than running and jumping all the way to the top.

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