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Out of the Box and into confusion


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Haven't posted in AGES but I just got jk3 today.


I have July 21st Purchased copy of Jedi Academy. and the people who have downloaded the illegal copy have an aug5th release of the game! Do they have More stuff then us with Jul 21st Release?


Is it right by saying that the 21st release was put into mass printing because the Aug5th was released on the web?


if so and we get less features from it that sucks, if they are identically its still pretty lame anyway, why not release the Aug5th release anyway. since then I'd be able to play on more servers.

and thats what I paid for.


The more the merrier and getting a game that will last in MP needs players no matter the cost. We all put up with people from JK2 rubbing it in our faces when we got JK2 from the store and connected online. Small price to pay for the consumor.


and what about Raven and LucasArts?? well I think they'll do just fine from all of us that do buy the game. besides its Raven they won't go under if JKA flops in the sales department. NOT A CHANCE but this handling of out of the box Semi working product doesn't make them look good. (maybe lucasarts idea no clue anyway either of em)


Please don't do that same with QuakeIV CD-key it I wanna play MP on day one


I guess my question is

Do you think raven should of released


(A) an out of the box fully playing product on a later release date?


(B) an out of the box fully playing product on the "Planned" release date but also had the warez monky's playing too?


© Just what we got, a bunch of servers we can't connect to on the "planned" release date?


Im going with B cause the people who warez will buzz off soon anyway.

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Yeah ok, but when I do manage to connect to a server there's always someone in there claiming they are playing with the warez version so it seems people with the illegal version can connect where ever they want, yet we with the purchased version can only connect to servers made by people who purchased the game unless its just kiddies trying to look cool, can you confirm if they are lying or not?

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Originally posted by Saient

Yeah ok, but when I do manage to connect to a server there's always someone in there claiming they are playing with the warez version so it seems people with the illegal version can connect where ever they want, yet we with the purchased version can only connect to servers made by people who purchased the game unless its just kiddies trying to look cool, can you confirm if they are lying or not?


Trust me, they don't have anything you don't (except, possibly, bugs).


They might feel like they can connect to any server, but that's partially because the game just came out and all the servers that were up were the ones running the illegal copies of the game. Now there are more and more legit servers up and the warez players are starting to complain about error messages and crashes and disconnects, etc. Wonder why?

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