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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its like paying for a mobile phone and only having it work now and again properly.


Im angry as hell that a game like this could be released unfinished causing problems for thousands. Yes, theres people out there who havent had a single problem - lucky for them - but that doesnt mean the game is superb. Far from it.


Go and try it, if you are lucky...great....if not, sell it on ebay.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

Every game does have problems. But not many games have major problems like this one. Yes patches and updated everyday but so far in the past 3 weeks we have not seen a major patch.


With so much wrong in game, i guess its hard to pick what to fix first ;-p



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Im angry as hell that a game like this could be released unfinished causing problems for thousands. Yes, theres people out there who havent had a single problem - lucky for them - but that doesnt mean the game is superb. Far from it.


Why do you keep saying this LIKE only a FEW players that havent had a single problem? Do you realize that over 275,000 people bought and regersterd this game already and I can bet anything that 274,900 of them didnt all have problem... if they did do you think you would see the game servers so full all day and night???

Also I personally know 5 friends that went out and bought this game and not a single one has/had a problem. Only one has a few problems but hes trying to play on a 1.33 AMD with and old ass MOBO that only uses SDRAM PC 133 ram NOT DDR.

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