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cam view wont work!!!


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Highlight the whole script, and hit ctrl+c that will copy it. When you get to the page where you type, hit ctrl+v and that will paste it ;) anyways, did you highlight the ref_tag first, then the info_null?


check this tutorial by kengo, its the best for begginers...




Its the best cutscene tutorial you can find...

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I would think that LukeSkywalker1 hit the target with that one. When I first started, I did the same mistake. I (using a target_position instead of an info_null, but they're pretty much the same) selected the target_position first, then the ref_tag and connected them. It took me at least a day to figure out I had to select the ref_tag first and then the target_position. :D I can be such a stang-head sometimes.

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Yeah scripting is a real pain, for example, ive been trying to get a guy to walk to his nav goal, but he wouldnt do it. It worked fine for everyone else. In the end, the problem was, that i didnt capitalize NPC_targetname i wrote npc_targetname. Pretty dumb huh?


Was that in cam view? Because when I did it in cam view, my character still didn't walk to the waypoint navgoal. I capitalized NPC_targetname and everything. And that problem still hasn't been solved.

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its all the same, it doesnt matter whether its in cam view or not. The only difference between cam view and in game veiw is that your looking through a camera.



heres how to get an NPC to walk (make sure you check this throughly, because im not sure what the problem is, and it could be multiple things)




  • Make an NPC, click "cutscene" and then give it a key NPC_targetname then a value X (anything you want)
  • Put a nav goal 4 down where you want the NPC to walk. Give it a targetname X (whatever you want)
  • Save and compile your map.
  • Load up BehavEd. Double click affect, so it appears in the main view. It should say default in the affect box, change it to whatever you called your NPC_targetname
  • Then double click task, so when you click the little + sign next to affect, task will apear under it. Call the task X (or anything you want)
  • Then under task, choose set. Find set_navgoal. Call the NavGoal what you called the nav goal in radiant.
  • Then under affect double click dowait, and call it what you called your task.
  • Compile and it should work


BTW, dont forget to use the trigger_once and target_scriptrunner to load the script ingame. I hope it works, and i hope it makes sense....

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