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Nice game, but not worth 39.99$ this should have been an addon pack...


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I hate to use this argument but...


When I went to the store I took the last JA they had. So here (and I'm sure other places too) it achieved "sold out" status. Somebody must like it, and who ever they are... there's a lot of them. Raven doesn't care about you, because the game is selling just fine without your help. Implementing mod support is the best Raven can do to please everyone.


I'd also like to add that I enjoyed the game and I will continue to enjoy the game. I'm glad they made it the way they did. It was a huge improvement over the original.


Take your grievances somewhere else. Nobody cares.

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@ILR - This is precisely what I was talking about with Weiner Dog, please refrain from being negative with other members. I'm very glad you like the game, I love it myself much more than JO, but even though some people don't like what's going on with MP doesn't mean that it is considered a poor game as a whole (as some claim) or that it should ruin the game for you. As with JO, I'm fairly positive that Raven will take into consideration the concerns addressed by those who are unsatisfied and release a patch or more. What I was upset about is the attitude that some of these members have when they complain about what they don't like, the same should be said for those of us that do like the game as is and are being inconsiderate of our fellow gamers.


@Spartacus - I suspected Marka Ragnos was developed before Exar Kun. I realize that Marka Ragnos was the Lord of the Sith 1000 years before Kun and the Great Sith War and that Ragnos was the first Sith Lord to unite all of the Sith clans into what would become the Sith Empire. I was merely pointing out the similarity between Kun's story in the EU and that used for Ragnos in JA to Silent_Thunder who felt it less Star Wars, as a way to show that sort of thing is used in the SW EU. I have a fair knowledge of EU because of fanfic writing but in all honesty I'm not an EU fan in most occassions. But thanks for the info on Kevin Anderson and the literary references.


@Silent_Thunder - It's not just you, I just don't happen to share your feelings on this particular subject. Sure I found the saber battles more random (I would visualize them as frequent more than random though) than in past games. And occasionally I might have wished for a higher sense of strategy for the saber battles, but in all honesty I've never found the saber battles in any JK game strategic in the first place, so I suppose I did not feel a sense of loss in that aspect such as you. In all Jk games either SP or MP I've always found saber battles to be just slash, stab, hack or club to defeat your opponent, I've yet to find an actual example of strategy to parrying and have an actual style of fighting such as fencing moves or oriental martial arts, this was something being developed for the scrapped PC version of Obi-Wan where the mouse acted your saber moves.


I understand about the "ease" you speak of, here's how I deal with that; since it's SP I can control what I do myself, so I make myself limit the use of Force powers in standard dueling situations, I use Ligthning when I'm outmatched or in specific instances, I know it's little to make up for what you want but at least my saber battles are quite challenging for me, especially when I face double bladed or dual bladed opponents versus my single blade.


If anything I wholeheartedly agree with you I wish some levels were longer. As a whole JA is about twice as lo0ng as JO, level number wise, but some levels such as Mos Eisley are small. Sure I wish I would have been able to see the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, famous landmarks, go through ground levels and other parts from the movies in that planet which is my fave in SW but alas we are restricted to a very short perimeter around a few buildings, still I got to see it there and in the least it was enough for me to smile and run a little through the capitol.


Yeah there were very few conversations this time, I personally heard about 5 or 6 at the very most, I missed that but I still would have liked to see Jaden's character interact more with other characters and grow as a person not only as a Jedi. I tried to give you a bit of backstory as to why they might have selected Ragnos and here I mention who he was, I suppose those completely unfamiliar with the EU might not understand what the resurrection of Ragnos might entail or why he would be a deadly adversary. The scepter of power btw, reminds me of Lord of the Rings, where the wizards have their power centralized in their staffs.

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Hmm this thread went a bit out there.


While people have been posting I have been playing.


I retract my initial statement, there is an enormous amount of new game play that simply blows JO away.


I give this title the worth 39.99$ tag... IMO


49.99$ is still too much, but I must admit, the game is good.


my 2 cents.


Good hunt.

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Originally posted by shoppa

Hmm this thread went a bit out there.


While people have been posting I have been playing.


I retract my initial statement, there is an enormous amount of new game play that simply blows JO away.


I give this title the worth 39.99$ tag... IMO


49.99$ is still too much, but I must admit, the game is good.


my 2 cents.


Good hunt.


My local Best Buy is selling it for $39.99... :D

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Reason why it's not an add-on pack?


Simple, it's also being released on X-Box, which, in the traditional sense, you don't really have add-on packs for. I would presume that they want to market it the same way on both X-Box and PC. Just like how Vice City wasn't an X-pac

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