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Importing Selectable Models (Character Customization)


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I've been fiddling with Character Customization, unfortunately the instructions in Skinning Tutorial given by Raven is kind of sparce and I seem to be missing some thing. I've been trying to import a model from JKO so I could select it as Jaden. I've created skin files for the head, torso, and lower sections, made icons, put the playerchoice.txt file in the directory... pretty much replicated as much as I could the files for Jaden in the Assets1.pk3. However the model does not show up on the customization screen.


Has anyone else succeeded in doing this? If so, what am I missing... or could someone write more detailed instructions?

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I've had some progress with this, although I'm still missing something. I was able to get the model into the customization screen, it turns out that instead of naming the skin files head_a1 or lower_b1 as the original Jade models are labeled, you need to name them head_a or lower_b. I now have the model but it's lacking the skin.


Has anyone done this successfully? Or is it a problem with using a JO model?

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