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Saber Dismemberment LAME

Arkayn Rath

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initially, i wuz pleased that the devs included the option to turn on realistic saber combat in the Option menu as opposed to a cheat. but the JA saber dismemberment is not nearly as good as the JO. you can't hack off heads or torsoes in JA, only limbs. and it's rather rare to dismember an opponent at all. i find if you slash an enemy once, they'll just die. usually you have to slash them twice before they hit the ground to dismember.


now JO's dismember cheat wuz a lil' excessive. you could just run right into an enemy and slice off an arm or a head, you didn't even need to attack them. also, severed Stormtrooper helmets were mysteriously empty, no heads or necks in them. and there were problems with severed torsoes all being transparent.


but i'd sooner have glitchty full dismemberment to functional rare dismemberment.


i wuz hoping they'd actually add bisection to the type of dismemberment but slicing an enemy down the middle like Anakin Skywalker did to the Geonoshians in AotC.

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