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BobaFett??? **Spoilers**


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Hi Guys,


When I first started this level, I spent about 1 hour blasting away at BobaFett. I must have hit him a hundred times between just shooting him with various weapons and his own shots being deflected by my sabre. No dice, he finally killed me.


Second try, I ran like crazy with Force Speed and set all the bombs, now I have to kill him to get out.


Whats the secret here, or is there one? I thought that pushing the missles he fires at me back at him would work, but he just dodges those. Forece grip just pisses him off. Same for lightning.


A hint would be good.



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He sure takes alot of punishment. There was a couple of times after I had planted a bomb that he got "stuck" in the corner of a room. I emptied all ammo into him while he was there an he acted like it didnt even tickle.


Finally made it through. My strategy was basically let him shoot himself by deflecting his laser with my sabre and pushing the missles back at him. The real hairy part was when he started in on me with the disruptor, but after awhile he just gave up on that.


After about 20 minutes of deflecting his shots, he kind of ran off and gave up it appeared, just standing by a door. I walked up to him and sliced him once with the sabre and the cut-scene came in.


All in all kinda anti-climatic.


Thanks for the info.



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Somewhere in that area, when you've set all the bombs and are locked in near your spacecraft, there's a below-ground area with some goodies: shield booster packs too, as I recall. Came in quite handy.


He got low to the ground and I force-pushed him pretty hard into a wall several times, I don't remember what beat him. Trying everything while staying away from that flamethrower and those missles is what I remember.

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Somewhere in that area, when you've set all the bombs and are locked in near your spacecraft, there's a below-ground area with some goodies: shield booster packs too, as I recall. Came in quite handy.


He got low to the ground and I force-pushed him pretty hard into a wall several times, I don't remember what beat him. Trying everything while staying away from that flamethrower and those missles is what I remember.

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Well I noticed early on that he runs away and heal, but I kind of hoped he could be 'beaten' but sadly he couldn't until you had set the bombs. At one point I Had him trapped under a stairwell I had grip-herded him under, and I sabered him to 0 health (I used force sense) and he wouldn't die...I was at least hoping for the old school DF yelp :D

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